Cyril Hanouna as a couple with the daughter of Brigitte Macron Tiphaine Auzière, the fantasy of Paris Match on a stolen photo

Cyril Hanouna as a couple with the daughter of Brigitte

Paris Match engages in the most classic exercise in the people’s press: supposing a romantic relationship between two personalities to create the event. By binding Cyril Hanouna and Tiphaine Auzière, the magazine Tape Fort.

It seems that the press continuously reinvents itself, which it adapts and improves to give readers more original information, analyzed, but above all sourced, solid and reliable. It seems. There are also recipes applied for decades, which seem immutable, and which obviously still have a bright future: the most formidable is that which supposes romantic relationships between two personalities, on the basis of a photo which leaves all the scenarios open. Paris Match is sometimes devoted to it. And sometimes, with all the elements of a scoop. This Wednesday, March 19, we are there: the newspaper hits hard and announces a “romance” between Cyril Hanouna and Tiphaine Auzière.

The magazine therefore assures that the daughter of Brigitte Macron, daughter-in-law of Emmanuel Macron, lives “a beautiful story” with the most in view of television. Paris Match is based to assert it on an element: a stolen photo. Is it Cyril Hanouna and Tiphaine Auzière Hand in hand? While exchanging a kiss? No way. On the cliché, we discover the daughter-in-law of Emmanuel Macron and the TV man taking a meal together in a restaurant, in Paris. At the same table. And if we imagine the paparazzi attempt to capture a accomplice moment for a long time, it is rather missed. Cyril Hanouna even looks concerned, more interested in the content of his plate than by the idea of ​​projecting himself into a moment of seduction. Worse, at the end of the meal, Brigitte Macron’s host and daughter left each side. Flute.

In short, a photo and a lot of blah. The regulars of the People press will appreciate: the story surrounding the stolen image is magnificent with lyrical flights worthy of the best novels with rose water. We discover daring formulas such as “Faced with the big khaki eyes of Brigitte Macron’s daughter, the talkative” Baba “suddenly was silent, or voluntarily more descriptive, with the concern of creating a context of idyll. Tiphaine Auzière is thus described in the article as “elegant in his little dress”, faced with a Cyril Hanouna obviously conquered by “his courage” of having come to present his latest book on his TV set.

Paris Match, of course, stretches the supposed romance to the corridors of the presidential palace. This is where all the interest lies. So the magazine assures that Brigitte Macron cannot be returned. Playing on confusion, the article remains on the astonishment aroused by the appearance of Tiphaine Auzière on the set of Touche pas à mon poste, a few weeks ago, to promote a work. “HAS The Élysée is amazement, “writes Paris Match, which reassures its readers on the protective character of Brigitte Macron:” But the first lady still supports her children. Whatever their decisions, she is by their side. This time again, she demonstrates all her understanding to Tiphaine. “

Since Paris Match left the fold of the Bolloré media empire, Cyril Hanouna – close to the billionaire – has become a subject to be treated without modesty, since he sells. And the newspaper knows that binding it to the daughter -in -law of the Head of State is a golden blow: Emmanuel Macron recently attacked it at the JDD, calling the media of the Bolloré group – of which Europe 1, where Cyril Hanouna officials – on rigor. The president has pointed out false information in their way of presenting his diplomatic action for Ukraine, faced with the war that Russia gives him. The host is also now very critical – even virulent – with regard to the French president, having even accused him of being behind the Arch decision of withdrawing his TNT channel from C8.

Cyril Hanouna has not yet reacted to the Paris Match article, we guess, however, that he will have fun easily from these assumptions on his television set, the host having already demonstrated that he did not appreciate being at the center of ragots. On the other hand, if the romance supposed by Paris Match has a background of truth, what he will say will be able to fuel the celebrity press for weeks. It is even likely that all the editors of this type of press hope in silence that Paris Match has seen right, which would give them the soap of the year.
