The SCIFI MMORPG Entropia Universe is known for high real money transactions. However, these usually refer to land, buildings, weapons or other in-game investments … and not to the account service from support.
What does the MMORPG want to have money for? Apparently for the provision of accounting information from an account that is more than a year ago. Specifically, it is about a case of the player Petscopkid, which is open to Entropia Universe support because he needs his own payment history for his tax, and until May 2023.
The problem: Apparently only the details from the past twelve months can be viewed via your own profile. After a short back and forth with the support (screenshot of the course of the conversation via Reddit), Petscopkid received the information that you had to charge fees to provide payment details that go back more than a year.
The fun should cost 500 PED per working hour that would do the equivalent of $ 50 per hour. Or to put it another way: Support from Entropia Universe would like to be paid for to process a standard support request for the provision of basic information for your own account by the players.
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“I’m shocked”
How does the community react to it? Since Entropia Universe enjoys a certain reputation, many comments are very surprised by the experience report from Pescopkid. Of course, this support policy is sharply criticized.
In the comments there are also some players who (halfway) look positively on Entropia Universe. For example, Kamioni writes on Reddit:
It is an old game and back then, before the age of NFTS and similar monetarization frauds broke, this was a great and unique incentive for an MMO. I personally put over $ 1,000 in the game more than a decade ago because I thought I could earn it back.
The surprising thing is that my investments have actually paid off after all these years, because I had originally invested in properties in the game and got at least three times my original contribution.
However, when I tried to withdraw the money, there was a catch. Somehow it takes almost half a year to transfer the money to you through any dubious banking service. It is not exactly a “fraud”, but the company is certainly shabby and inexplicably considers its money back for inappropriately long.
What do I have to know about Entropia Universe? The Mindark’s Scifi Mmorpg first listened to the Project Entropia and wanted to offer a virtual experience more than 20 years ago that would be advertised today with meta-verses and implemented with blockchain technology.
A large part of the planet of the universe is about property and real money trade. There are also weapons for 47,000 euros, shares in space stations for $ 500,000 or clubs for $ 635,000.
One of the more well-known stories: British actor Jon Jacobs has treated himself to a virtual holiday resorts from Entropia Universe for $ 100,000. By selling abrasion and hunting rights as well as the rental of hotels suites, it is said to have made more than a million US dollars.
In addition to trade, hunting and mining, MMO activities such as quests or PvP fights in space await you in the game. And last year, the developers had a remarkable idea to lead their game into a golden age: Company uses AI president to lead their SF MMORPG.