The liver manages 200 vital functions, this food can destroy it

The liver manages 200 vital functions this food can destroy

“If we eat it every day, the liver really takes a hit” according to our dietician.

If he is nicknamed “the general of the armies” in traditional Chinese medicine, it is not for nothing. The liver manages nearly 200 vital functions within our body: it filters and purifies blood, regulates blood sugar, contributes to immunity, helps digest fat, metabolizes carbohydrates and lipids, eliminates toxins (alcohol, drugs) … Certain foods harm its health and deteriorate it. All these foods bring bad fats that will overload the liver until potentially lead to non -alcoholic hepatic steatosis, the famous Nash which would affect nearly a million French people and which can evolve in cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Among the bad foods for the liver, there are very fatty cheeses consumed significantly (more than 30g per day) overload the liver. “”These are for example Brie, Camembert, County or Cheddar“, Lists our interlocutor. In the same way, cold meats are to be limited – the worst for the liver being the sausages, sausage, bacon, rillettes or pâté. Sunflower, corn or soy oils (little used in France) are also too inflammatory for the liver because of their wealth in omega -6 fatty acids. “Partially hydrogenated” fried fries that tend to accommodate the liver cells and overload them.As for palm oil, it must really be avoided because it has a very negative nutritional assessment: few omega-3 and too much omega-6, promoting inflammation in the body therefore at the level of the liver level“warns Anne GuillotDietitian-Nutritionist.

“”The worst food for liver is mainly difficult to digest, rich in saturated fats, additives, hidden sugars or salt like fried foods “. So it’s going to be frying fries, donuts, breaded food or chips. The processed products or fast food meals (burger, industrial pizzas, pastries, cookies, breakfast cereals …) are also bad for the liver. “”If we eat these foods every day, the liver really takes a hit“, According to our interlocutor.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have purifying foods that will be able to clean the liver. “”These are beets, asparagus and celery-branche. But also Green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, chard, cabbage …) which are rich in chlorophyll, an antioxidant substance known to eliminate toxins and heavy metals at the level of the liver“, Explains the expert in nutrition. Garlic and onion contain sulfur which also promotes the elimination of toxins. Artichoke, black radish and dandelion – liver plants – stimulate bile production, which helps digest fat. Green tea protects liver cells and eliminates fat. Liver.
