New plans for Soestdijk Palace: Modernization with respect for history

New plans for Soestdijk Palace Modernization with respect for history

Asylum seekers or nature at the palace?

Last year De Meyerbergman Group concluded an agreement for at least ten years about the housing of asylum seekers in the former Marechausseekzerne at the Palace. The COA wants to build extra reception options and also starter homes on that part of the site. This is an important source of income for the palace owners.

The daycare is the subject of an emergency debate in the Baarnse city council next week. The Borrebos Stichting has discovered that the permits for the AZC are not in order and handed in a lawsuit. The action group of former councilor Kees Koudstaal has been a formidable opponent of building plans at the palace for years. Koudstaal prefers to see the old barracks return to nature. He can go there as far as he is concerned.

Yesterday Koudstaal and Maya Meijer-Bergmans met in the palace, both confirm to RTV Utrecht. They discussed one there alternative plan from the foundation. Koudstaal speaks of a constructive conversation. Although he finds buildings at the Kazerneterrein unacceptable, both parties still see enough room for the next appointment. Meijer-Bergmans praises the knowledge of cold steel and calls the ideas of the foundation interesting. But she also emphasizes that the estate cannot miss a cost carrier like the asylum seekers’ center.
