60 -year -old secret curtain in Kennedy assassination is open! Trump opened a thousand 123 documents for access

60 year old secret curtain in Kennedy assassination is open

Former US President John F. Kennedy assassinated the secret documents of the US President promised to explain to the public Donald TrumpHe kept his promise. According to the US press reports, secret documents on Kennedy assassination were opened to the public by the National Archives and Records Administration. In the first place, it was stated that the documents consisting of a thousand 123 PDF files and most assassinated documents were announced to the public, while the process of publishing all of the documents due to the large size was transferred for several days.

Trump signed a decree

Trump, who officially took over the task on 20 January, signed a decree on January 23, which envisages the announcement of secret documents on the Kennedy assassination to the public. In addition to Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy and Human Rights defender Martin Luther King were reflected to the public that he envisaged the opening of secret documents about the assassinations of the people.


Trump: “I said I would do this”

Trump, lastly held yesterday at an event held at the Kennedy Center in the United States, former president Kennedy assassination of the secret documents on the public will open the public, said: “People have been waiting for decades. It will be very interesting,” he said. Trump said that he instructed to publish the documents uncensored uncensored, “I said that I would do this in my election campaign.

