In France, for a year, social assistance for childhood has the obligation to place minors entrusted to it in dedicated structures. However, many young unaccompanied foreigners are accommodated in hotels, with very little social and educational follow -up. In Essonne, south of Paris, at least seven hotels would house, for the department, young foreigners, according to an estimate of the Utopia 56 association. Meeting with two Cameroonian teenagers awaiting solutions.
“” There, it is 11 p.m., you are sleeping and you hear the alarm like that. There, it is someone who smoked in the room. It’s all the time like that, you can’t sleep. It’s all the time, it’s like that… »On his laptop, Théodore shows the images filmed inside the hotel room where social assistance to childhood has temporarily placed it. Impossible to spend a quiet night. He does not feel safe there:
“” You cannot mix minors with adults and people who come to pollute the hotel and do something else. The toilets are not hygienic, so at any time, you can take an infection. Or even drugs, it often smokes in showers. »»
Very quickly, the days turn into weeks, then in months. Théodore became friends with Sial, another 16 -year -old, like him, who is waiting to be placed in an adapted structure: ” I stayed ten months, while normally, we were supposed to do a few weeks and I had to place me in a structure. But so far, not immediately. »»
Read tooMaison Claire Morandat, a refuge for young adults who come out of social assistance to childhood
However, the law formally prohibits young people in hotels
However, as lawyer Johanne Sfaoui recalls, the Taquet law adopted in 2022 strictly supervises the placement of the minors entrusted to Childhood social assistancewhether they are French or foreign: ” There is, by law, an absolute ban on placing young people in hotels. It’s very clear. In an emergency, an exemption is possible, but minors will be placed for a maximum period of two months in holiday centers and youth structures. »»
The passages of social workers are rare and the days are long for the two boys who, despite their level assessments, are still not educated. “” They told us that they were looking for an establishment, but for the moment, there is nothing “Explains Sial. Théodore adds: ” They told me that I was normally going to join a high school, but that I had to wait until September. And in the meantime, we turn, we turn … In the evening, we go to bed, in the morning, it’s the same … »»
Contacted by email, the Essonne department says it has been forced to accommodate young people in hotel and work to reduce these alternative accommodation. Théodore takes out from his pocket the messes-meal that the two boys share: five euros each. This is the only daily contribution in the department. Five euros per day to spend, because meals are not provided in the hotel where they have just been transferred again for an indefinite period.
Read tooForeign minors placed at the hotel and out of school: social assistance to northern childhood pointing out