It really works in Love is Blind Sweden with

It really works in Love is Blind Sweden with

Ola Jönsson is one of the participants in Love is Blind Sweden who has become a real snack ice cream outside the program. And one question many wonder is what Ola really works with.

The second season of Love is Blind Sweden is in full swing and according to viewers, season two has delivered to the max.

Social media has been boiling over the past week and clips and opinions have been shared about the participants who are in this year’s season.

During the first episodes, viewers have seen the participants date each other in the capsules which has gone both good and bad. A couple who quickly found each other were Karin and Niklas. At the time of writing, you can almost say that the profiles have become the viewers’ little tour pigeons whose love very many cheer on.

Niklas and Karin in Love is Blind Sweden. Image source: Netflix

Two others for whom it went somewhat tougher but who have been very debated are Jacob and Karolina. Karolina does not seem to be completely sold on Jacob, but as she has opened up more and more to get to know Jacob.

But someone who has become the hottest potato in the cabins – that is Ola Jönsson. Ola has distinguished himself right from the start by being something of a “financial guy” but which, for unknown reasons, also tried to dip his feet in the spiritual world.

Ola is one of the participants in Love is Blind Sweden. Image source: Netflix

He has today chosen to think a lot about his breathing, opt out of things like sugar and alcohol and that he has a rose quarter crystal in his pocket that will help him mentally during the trip.

When the feature producer asked him to show off his crystal, he replied reluctantly.

– You really want to expose the stone. But no … Now it went. I’m not kidding, says Ola. The spectacle quickly ended up on the Instagram Konot Dyngbaggegalan, which today has over 600,000 followers on Instagram.

However, viewers can agree on one thing – it is that Ola is one of those who maintains the most.

What does Love is Blind-Ola have for profession?

In the program, Ola has stated that he currently has a “Sabbath year” where he is not working. Many viewers have therefore become curious about what it exactly is that Ola works with. And what Ola really works with when he does not have a sabbatical is that he is a real estate consultant.

Ola studied at Lund University of Technology and holds a civil engineering degree with a focus on “Road and Water Building Technology”.

Today he runs his own company by name Zero-Living AB which is a limited company whose business is to conduct consultation within the construction and property and own and manage properties and securities with compatible operations.

The company currently has assets of about SEK 3 million.
