The background of the Cameo explains

The background of the Cameo explains

Recently, Yellowstone fans can also stream the Western Prequel in 1883 at Netflix and immerse themselves even deeper into the series universe of Taylor Sheridan. In the closed mini series we follow the Dutton family on a trip from Texas to Montana, 140 years in the past. The $ 169 million Western EPOs not only inspires with fantastic show values ​​and a gripping story, but also with one completely unexpected cameo appearance By Tom Hanks.

Western hit at Netflix: Tom Hanks does friendship in 1883

The 2nd episode of 1883 begins with a flashback to 1862 and shows the cruel extent of the historical battle on the Antetam during the American civil war, in which thousands of soldiers kept their lives. The main character James Dutton (Tim McGraw), who was part of the southern Army, looks at his fallen comrades as a survivor-and is surprisingly comforted by Tom Hanks.

Tom Hanks embodies a real historical personality: The General of the Union army of the northern states, George Meade. Before he captivates the fictional James Dutton, the two men make the tragic loss on them in a moment of calm. But how did it come about that the Western series could secure the two-time Oscar winner for a guest appearance?

In an interview with CinemaLend, leading actor Tim McGraw, whose wife Faith Hill is also there in the series as a Margatet Dutton, explained the simply reason for Tom Hanks’ Cameo in 2021. It was a friendship service:

His wife [Rita Wilson]and Faith are best friends, and Tom and I have been friends for 25 years, 24 years old […] I knew that there was a role in it, and I called it and asked: ‘Hey, would you be interested in having a cameo appearing in this show that we do?’ And he said: ‘Tell me when I should be there ‘and he just appeared.

Tom Hanks’ appearance takes less than two minutes and comprises just five small words. Nevertheless, the scene captivates with an enormous emotional severity that the 1883 star attributes to a small trick:

We didn’t see each other all morning because I didn’t want to see what he looks like. He didn’t want to see what I look because we know each other so well. When he showed up on the set, it was pretty magical. And when he put his hand on my shoulder in this scene, the weight of the world could be felt between the two after what had happened. It was a fairly violent scene.

Tom Hanks’ short guest appearance is not the only friendship room in 1883.

Tom Hanks’ wife also plays in 1883

Actress Rita Wilson, Tom Hank’s wife, also stopped by the Western series. However, they do not have a common scene.

While Tim McGraw was allowed to play on the side of his buddy Tom Hanks, 1883 actress Faith Hill, on the other hand, shared a scene with her best friend. The Hollywood actress is guest In episode 6 as a shop owner Carolynwho friends with Margaret Dutton and finally dr just.

The appearances of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are by no means the only surprises that have to offer in 1883. In addition to a few other cameos, Yellowstone fans can also discover several stars of the original series in the Western Prequel.

Anyone who ended in Netflix in 1883 and is looking for other exciting miniereize can discover a few interesting streaming tips in our podcast:

Podcast: The 10 best miniseries that every serial fan must have seen

Are you looking for other series tips that are entertaining and closed? We have 10 fantastic miners’ recommendations for you, which you can see at Netflix, Amazon, Sky and Co.

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