General Motors will use products from Nvidia to automate vehicles and factories

General Motors charges of over 5 billion dollars from joint

(Finance) – General Motorshistoric US car manufacturer, e Nvidiagiant of chips, announced that They are collaborating on new generation vehicles, factories and robots Using artificial intelligence, simulation and accelerated calculation.

The companies will work together for Create customized artificial intelligence systems Using NVIDIA accelerated calculation platforms, including Nvidia Omniverse with Nvidia Cosmos, to train artificial intelligence production models to optimize the planning and robotics of GM. GM will also use Nvidia products for on -board hardware for future advanced driver assistance systems.

“GM has a long -standing partnership with Nvidia, taking advantage of its GPUs in all our operations – he said Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors – Artificial intelligence not only optimizes production processes and accelerates virtual tests, but also helps us to build smarter vehicles “.

“The era of artificial physical intelligence has arrived and, together with GM, we are transforming transport, from vehicles to factories in which they are made – he said Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia – We are excited to collaborate with GM to create artificial intelligence systems tailored to their vision, their skill and their know-how “.

GM has invested in the NVIDIA GPU platforms for the formation of artificial intelligence models in various areas, including simulation and validation. The collaboration between companies now extends to the transformation of the design and operations of the automotive systems. GM will also use the Nvidia Omniverse platform for Create digital twins of the assembly linesallowing virtual tests and production simulations to reduce times.
