Would shoot to death 30 four -year -olds • The prosecutor: “The desire to become known”
At 05.30 in the morning of September 13, 2024, police were alerted about a shooting in a residential area in Luton in England. As they stormed an apartment in the area, they found three lifeless bodies. All were family members of 19-year-old Nicholas Prosper.
The same day he had planned to implement the “century of the century”, writes BBC. Prospers plan was to murder 32 people at his old elementary school, but first he shot dead his mother and his two younger siblings.
Just hours after murdering the three family members, he was arrested by police. On March 3, the trial began against him, and on Wednesday the final verdict is expected to come.
Planned to shoot four -year -olds
Prosper had planned to kill children at the age of four at the school, along with two teachers – and finally themselves, the BBC writes.
If Prosper had implemented his plans for the school shooting, the attack would have become even more deadly than the Sandy Hooks massacre in the United States in 2012, where a 20-year-old man shot killed 26 people at a low and middle school.
What put a stop to the plans was, according to Prosper, that his mother woke up before he had to kill her and the two siblings while they slept. As a result, the neighbors noticed that violence was going on, and alerted the police.
Prosecutor: “The desire to become known”
Following the murder of his family members, Prosper uploaded a video on Youtube where he said, among other things, that he planned to shoot his little sister on his face.
According to Prosecutor Timothy Cray, Prosper had started planning the attack already a year earlier, and he was, according to him, driven by a desire to become “known or notorious”.
“His stated goal was to achieve national and international recognition as one of the biggest murderers in the history of crime,” the prosecutor said in a statement.
Dad: “will never heal”
According to Prospers Internet history, he had read about mass shootings all over the world. On a handwritten note, he stated that he wanted to eat his family members and rape a woman before the planned shooting.
During the trial, a statement was heard from Prospers’s father, who differed from the mother ten years earlier.
“The pain after our losses will never heal, it applies to my entire family. Our lives will never be the same. When I heard the terrible news, some of my soul died too,” the statement sounded.
Prosper has previously acknowledged the murders of his three family members. At the same time, David Bentley lifted the court that certain circumstances, such as Proser’s young age, and that he was most likely to have undiagnosed autism, should be taken into account in the penalty.