Prices of chocolate are falling in Norway

Prices of chocolate are falling in Norway

In neighboring Norway, something happens that the Swedes have not been involved in for a long time: price reductions on chocolate. But prices differ drastically between the chains, something that Nettavisen was the first to report on.

An example is the classic Norwegian chocolate Kvikk Lunsj. Odd GishholtGrocery expert, tells the newspaper that it may be due to Easter, even though the holiday is a whole month away.

– Now the price war is running, I think we will see more prices fall already this week, he tells the newspaper.

A survey from Nettavisen shows that it separates as much as ten Norwegian kronor on the same goods depending on the food chain you are acting on.

For example, a package of Kvikk Lunsj from Rema 1000 costs SEK 49.90, which gives a unit price of SEK 8.32. At the chain Joker, however, a package costs 54.90, which gives a unit price of SEK 18.30.

– People do not expect price per kilo or per piece. The stores know that. That is why many bring the more expensive package offers as well, says Gishholt to the newspaper.

Although the prices of chocolate seem to be lowered in Norway, the prices, as in Sweden, are much higher than those last year. A package of Kvikk Lunsj from Rema 1000 then cost 39.90 Norwegian kronor and in other words was ten SEK cheaper.
