Two people were arrested and placed in police custody this Tuesday, March 18, because he was suspected of having robbed the Stofxtag Youtubeur for a booty estimated at € 10,000 last November. One of the suspects is a French rapper.
Who has robbed one of the properties of the rapper stoves last November? The investigation seems to progress this Tuesday, March 18 with the arrest and the placement in police custody of two people by the brigade of repression of banditry of Versailles, according to information from RTL. Among the two suspects arrested in Saint-Denis, in Seine-Saint-Denis, is rapper Landy.
Suspected of organized gang flight, the 29 -year -old rapper and singer would have participated in the burglary in a pavilion located in Poissy, in the Yvelines, belonging to the famous Youtubeur but then rented to a friend. More than a participant, the artist would have been appointed as the flight sponsor according to an indicator quoted by RTL.
Landy, Gahysou Sylla of his real name, is known for several successful titles such as Skalape or his duet with Dadju on Muerte. The artist is also known to the police for several offenses. He also made several small stays in prison for violence cases between 2013 and 2018. Last October, he was placed in police custody after having made a rodeo on the sidewalk according to The Parisian. Rapper Landy must be heard by investigators during his police custody. The second suspect arrested, aged 28, is also known to the police.
Stolen Pokémon cards
The burglary of the property of Inoxtag dates back to November 6, 2024. The case had made a lot of noise due to the popularity of the targeted person. The Youtubeur had then indicated that the burglars had “taken nothing important”: “I do not know what they were looking for exactly,” added the young man without specifying the amount of the damage. Bfmtv had then said that the burglars had stolen for € 10,000 in equipment, mainly computer equipment. But other objects had been stolen: Pokémon cards. These game cards, which have become real collectibles for license enthusiasts, are regularly sold for several hundred euros and the price of certain rare cards can sometimes be four figures.
Before the burglary of November 6, the Stoxtag Youtuber had already been the target of a flight at his home. The facts had occurred during his ascent of Everest. The burglars then left with pairs of shoes and expensive watches.