Inflated clitoris: what possible causes?

Inflated clitoris what possible causes

It is better to consult his gynecologist.

The clitoris is a female sexual organ located at the junction of the small lips, inside the vulva. There is the visible part of the clitoris which measures 6 to 8 millimeters, and the hidden part located inside the vagina. In total, the clitoris measures approximately 10 centimeters. The two areas are involved in female sexual pleasure.

Like many organs, the clitoris can increase in volume during sexual excitement, following an infection or inflammation. The most common cause of swelling of the clitoris is sexual excitement. “”In this context, it is a perfectly normal physiological phenomenon. With excitement, the whole vulva swells by an influx of blood, including the clitoris“, reassures Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, vagina & co author, we tell you everything (ed. Mango). The more the excitement rises, the more the clitoris increases in volume.

The clitoris can also be the seat of inflammation, most often following an infection. When the organism is faced with a foreign body, a virus, a fungus or a bacteria, it reacts by causing inflammation. It can, for example, is a sexually transmitted (IST) infection. Inflammation is essentially manifested by redness, feeling of warmth, pain and edema. Finally, in some cases, the clitoris is anatomically larger than it should. “”This anomaly can be congenital, that is to say present from birth, or occur later in life, especially in the event of excess of testosterone, for example in the event of polycystic ovary syndrome. We then speak of clitoromegaly “details the gynecologist.

If the clitoris is really inflated, an abscess is generally involved. “”It’s hot, it’s red, and it hurts. This phenomenon is rare but it exists, one can make abscesses everywhere at the level of the vulva. The treatment is based on antibiotic therapy or even on a surgical gesture if necessary to evacuate the pus. Finally, a cyst can accommodate a level of the clitoris but in this case, the ball will be painless“, Develops the specialist. In the event of an abnormal swelling of the clitoris, it is recommended to consult his gynecologist. He may make a diagnosis and prescribe suitable treatment. It is preferable not to wait for the situation to get worse.
