Mercedes-Benz accelerated humanoid robotic work

Mercedes Benz accelerated humanoid robotic work

Like BMW of German -based giant car manufacturers Mercedes-Benz has been performing humanoid robot tests for a while.

One of the relatively new names of the humanoid robot side Figure, He signed his first commercial agreement by taking an important step last year and his first humanoid robot (Figure 01) He announced that he would take it to the BMW production facility in Southern Carolina. Figure said in a statement about this In the first stage, they will focus on five different tasks.this robot has no purpose of replacing the employees in the factory, he said. Figure and BMW want to see the performance of such a technology in the real production processboth sides are expected to collect important information. Germany -based car manufacturer, which has been receiving a help from fixed robots like its competitors in the automobile production process for many years and does not want to stay behind in humanoid robot, The automation process with humanoid robots is more “dynamic” aims to make In other words, it aims for more compliance with changing conditions.

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Mercedes-Benz, who brought this issue to the agenda later happened. The giant manufacturer, who made a partnership with the US -based Apptrronics, actively began to actively test what the use of humanoid robots during the automobile production process. Known for his work on NASA’s work on Valkyrie Humanoid Robot, Austin University initiative Apptrronics, within the scope of this agreement, to obtain important data from real production lines, and Mercedes began to experience first -hand how the production lines of the future will look.

As we have learned today, an investment of more than $ 100 million in Mercedes-Benz Apptronik realized. Stating that it plans to use humanoid robots and special artificial intelligence (AI) software in the production lines in the US and Europe in order to facilitate production processes, increase productivity and savings, the giant manufacturer will begin to use humanoid robots to carry materials (internal logistics) between the workstations to support normal employees in the first place. APPRONİK, who works with Deepmind under the roof of Google and Google, will support Mercedes-Benz’s robots with Google’s advanced Gemini models.
