“My parents would have gone bankrupt 25 years ago”

Two of the largest franchise work together for a joint project. For some fans from the community, it is clear: the merger will primarily cause a financial problem with you.

Who closes with whom? It is about the two franchises LEGO and Pokémon. You have now announced a common Lego set. What exactly the fans are allowed to assemble is not yet known, but the tail on the Pokémon Canal was already seeing the tail of a Pikachu.

Before that, Pokémon had a partnership with Mega, an American subsidiary of Mattel and also a manufacturer of clamping blocks.

LEGO has already joined the Horizon games to publish a game together:

Trailer for Lego Horizon Adventures – Release 2024 for PS5, Switch, Steam and Epic

More videos


Pokémon-Lego could be an expensive fun

Both franchises are known for having a large fan base that will meet when they meet. In addition, the franchises’ products are often a costly pleasure.

Cheap Lego sets start at 5 to 30 euros, while large sets range between 100 and 300 euros. Luxury and collector sets are even 300 to 800 euros.

Pokémon-Merch also has a high price due to the purchased licenses. If you look at the previous Pokémon Klemmbaße sets from Mega, they also move in the Lego price segment.

Since it will be a Pokémon lego set, the probability is high that a correspondingly high price adjustment will be added. Some of the community also fear that:

  • Far_eye6555 writes (via Reddit): “If Pokemon had done it 25 years ago, my parents would probably have gone bankrupt.”
  • Coolon23 bang for his money (via Reddit): “My poor wallet”
  • Specifically_blubb believes that not only the stones are expensive (via Reddit): “This will be a few expensive stickers.”
  • And one user hopes for something completely different:

  • Thesyrupcompany (via Reddit): “I hope we get a Lego Pokemon game, that would be a great change. Lego games are really good.”
  • When does the Pokémon set come? Fans probably have to be patient until 2026 to be able to hold their own Lego Pokémon in their hands. It remains to be seen whether the fans keep the price right with their fears.

    In the meantime, you can pass the time with the free Pokémon collecting card game on your smartphones. You can play that for Lau and it is a lot of fun, thinks Meinmmo author Jasmin Beverungen: The new collective card game for Pokémon makes almost everything better than the original from before and doesn’t even cost something
