Chinese scientists, six -legged ‘space MINING ROBOT ‘developed. The research team, led by Professor Liu Xinhua, designed a new robot with a different structure than commonly known humanoid robots and robotic dogs.
The robot, which is specially designed for mine search activities in moon and asteroids, draws attention with its ability to work in micro -gravitational environments. Thanks to six legs of three wheels and three claws asteroid Robot, which can be fixed to its surfaces, can easily move on rocky lands.
‘Space Mining Robot’
Researchers, inspired by insect movements developed by the new ‘Space Mining Robot designed to work in a micro -gravitational environment, he said.
Developed to search for minerals on the moon and asteroids
He said that the robot, which is intended to be used in the moon and asteroids in mining and subtraction processes, can be fixed to the surfaces of asteroids thanks to 6 legs of 3 wheels and 3 claws and can move easily in the rocky areas.
‘International Mining’
The researchers said, “We have successfully carried out the simulation experiments, and even the equipment of the moon soil.
The robot, which has already applied for a patent, is aimed to pave the way for the future ‘interstellar mining’.