Bruno Retailleau and Manuel Valls were both expected on Wednesday March 26 on the Dôme de Paris stage for a very sovereign theme meeting.
The current Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, and his Minister of Overseas, Manuel Valls, also passed by Beauvau under François Hollande, will meet next Wednesday, March 26, 2025, for a meeting at the Dome of Paris, reveals The Parisian. The two policies will speak on this occasion on a very particular theme, dear as well to the right of right that is Bruno Retailleau, as to the man on the left that is Manuel Valls. Entitled of the meeting in question: “For the Republic … France against Islamism”.
“Around leading personalities […] Committed to the fight for the values of freedom and democracy, we want to rebuild the republican pact and make the fight against Islamism the priority of our common action together “, promise on the site Meeting organizers. The appointment should bring together around 4,000 people, believes to know The Parisian. Other personalities are expected. Among the guests are a certain Jean-Michel Blanquer, former Minister of National Education. But there will also be the socialist Julien Dray, the sister of Professor Samuel Paty Mickaëlle Paty, the philosopher Raphaël Enthoven, the Syrian poet and writer Omar Youssef Souleimane or the journalist of the journalist FigaroEugénie Bastié.
Behind the organization of this event, several partners. There is in particular the collective Act together which advocates “a constant commitment to the protection of the Republic and democratic values, in France and in the world”, the collective Azadi woman Which aims to “raise public awareness of the revolutionary movement ‘woman, life, freedom’ which takes place in Iran since September 2022”, but also the Laïcité République committee, the European Research and Information on Information Center (CERIF), the Laboratory of the Republic, the Center for Reflection on Internal Security (CRSI), the Boualem Sansal support committee.