Famous singer was killed after a concert! OHAL was declared in Peru within the scope of the fight against organized crime

Famous singer was killed after a concert OHAL was declared

With the decree signed by President Dina Boluarte, 30 days in Lima and Callao in order to fight the government criminal organizations effectively State of emergency announced.

According to the news in the national press, within the scope of the state of emergency Peru National Police (PNP), in the affected regions, the control of the public order, while the armed forces will be assigned to provide security and support operations in the most risky regions.

President Boluarte, said in a statement to the press, reacted harshly to criminal organizations, “I tell these bloody murderers that I think of the death penalty seriously because no shooter, no extortion, who love their children will not stain their families.” He said.


459 murders were committed in 3 months

Peruvo Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzen announced that they will organize the National Citizen Security Council (Conasec) meeting within the scope of the fight against organized crime today.

Adrianzen stated that many measures, including comprehensive reforms in the prison system, will be discussed and said, “This is an effort to overcome all the peruls by overcoming all our differences.” evaluated.

Within the scope of the state of emergency, some fundamental freedoms such as the right to gather and the immunity of housing will be restricted.


According to the National Deathatico Nacional de Defunciones), 459 murders were committed in the first three months of 2025 due to urban violence in the first three months of 2025.

The murder of singer Flores led to the state of emergency

According to local media reports, the government’s decision to declare a state of emergency was taken after the death of a 39 -year -old singer Paul Flores as a result of a fire opened by motorcycle attackers at a concert in San Juan de Lurigancho in the east of Lima. (AA)This content Metin Yamaner Published by
