Each year, the French -speaking public media (MFP), of which France Médias Monde is a member, offer a selection of programs from their antennas to celebrate the International Francophonie Day. Eclectic, original, enlightening, these programs that have French sharing reflect the liveliness and diversity of French -speaking creation. Let yourself be tempted by overseas podcasts the 1st, France Inter, Swiss television (RTS), French-speaking Belgian television (RTBF) or Radio-Canada.
4 min
Overseas the 1st ::
Black code, Gaoulet rebels is a fiction inspired by real facts which recounts a revolt of slaves in Martinique in the 18the century. In six episodes of about twenty minutes each, this podcast by Vincent Hazard, inspired by the work of the historian Myriam Cottias, began in 1710, on the island of Martinique, after the landing of a slave boat. This podcast won the fiction podcast prize at the Paris Podcast Festival 2024.
Overseas, global powers Explore the French overseas, these strategic territories, courted or coveted, which provide France with a gigantic maritime surface to control and are increasingly at the heart of contemporary geopolitical issues. From Indopacific space to the American continent, overseas France faces many challenges and many opportunities. From Mayotte to southern lands via Polynesia, each episode is devoted to a different territory and gives the floor to experts and professionals from these regions.
Radio-Canada ::
The accents are numerous, multiple, they are linked to our identity and can be political. There are even some who laugh. Let’s go to their discovery with An episode of the podcast In a word, devoted to accents.
Long an hour interviews with a striking personality of the artistic environment, it is the bet of the program Large interviews. Gilles Vigneault, the great poet and singer, lent himself to the game By agreeing to respond to students from the primary school that bears his name. Children who ask him both simple and deep questions.
How does language shape us? How do you appropriate the words in order to transmit your thought? How is language developing from childhood? We think of these questions in high voices in The episode devoted to the language of the podcast Think out.
France Inter ::
Interceptionit is the long format investigation podcast from France Inter. 50 chiseled minutes of investigation and testimonies, where we go from the intimate to the corner of the street, as with “ Denial of pregnancy: Get out of the taboo “, To geopolitical issues on the other side of the world, as with” Do the Russians want war? »»
With France’s soap opera,, Reporters travel through France to meet citizens. The objective: to make them heard and speak of what, in their eyes, deserves debate, to evoke the challenges of the future before the presidential election and then the legislative elections. Meet in A nightclub for teens or in a restaurant meeting people in reintegration after prison.
Rts ::
La Francophonie in a petition in Switzerland! There RTS offers a report On a group of Vaudois teachers who launched a national petition so that professional schools do not give up French hours in their studies.
Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus, author with Christophe Rey de Go see in the dico if I’m there!is the guest of the Qwertz show. He is one of the linguists landed and explains at the RTS microphone why it is necessary to desecrate definitions.
And to celebrate this day of La Francophonie, the RTS offers on its site A very rich and varied file on the Francophonie.
The hour h, The crucial hour, this moment when destinies change. We embark on breathtaking 40 -minute stories on known figures, as in This episode on Jacques Brel. In 1974, fate, ruthless, hit this master of words and cantor of a universal humanity of an incurable disease. Cancer against which he fights with admirable force. On October 9, 1978, Jacques Brel died, leaving behind an indelible heritage, engraved in the marble of French song.
Analyze the world of today while traveling on the time line, from prehistoric to the twentieth century revolutions, including antiquity, the Middle Ages or the Age of Enlightenment with the program One day in history. To celebrate the Francophonie, The episode on French -speaking Belgian literature of the Thirty Glorious Years is to listen!
Half an hour to illuminate the challenges of a topical subject with the program The keyssome of which are specially thought of for young people, such as the one on Artificial intelligence at school. Burning questions to reflect on the consequences of using AI for new generations.