Stratford is getting Set to Hold Public Meetings Thursday for Three Different Propose Housing Developments that, if approved, WOULD ADD A TOTAL OF 318 DWELLING UNITS TO THE CITY.

Stratford is getting Set to Hold Public Meetings Thursday for Three Different Propose Housing Developments that, if approved, WOULD ADD A TOTAL OF 318 DWELLING UNITS TO THE CITY.
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While 12 of these units would be built on the site of a form funeral home in the city’s downtown core, the reminder of the proposed housing is planned for the city’s far west end.
156 Albert St.
The Form Site of Heinbuck Funeral Home, Which Was Sold in 2017 by the Now-James A. Rutherford Funeral Home, Could Be Seeing New Life, with 12 New Apartment Units proposed.
The Applicant, London-Based Zelinka Priamo Ltd., is Seeking A Zone Change to Allow Several Provisions, Including Dwelling Units on Its Main Floor, Which is not allowed in the Central Business District Under the Current Bylaw.
The Applicant is also seeking a provision that would allow for a fénce of 1.5 meters in a driveway-visibility triangle, twice What is currently allowed, and several provisions related to parking, included one that would would permit parking with the required expand Which is currently not allowed.
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Following its public notice, the city receive several comments, included one email from a resident who, while supportive of the redevelopment of the currently vacant building, expressd concerns over the number of units.
“Twelve units is difficult to imagine given the Square Footage of the Building,” The Email Said.
Right now, the units in the proposed development would be right 74 Square metres (800 Square Feet) While Boasting Two Bedrooms.
576 O’loane Ave.
Phase Two of A Previously Approved Subdivision, the 141 Units that are now being proposed at this site, take over a change when compared to the current draft plan. Currently, that plan included 89 housing units, included 63 single detached, eight semi-detached and 18 Street Townhouse Units. Under the New Plan, all of the proposed 141 Units WOULD BE TOWNHESS.
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The Plan Would also Add One Offeral Road and Move a Currently proposed Road Further North. The ENTIRE SUBDIVISION CLACKS APPROXIMATELY 13.75 HECTARES OF LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF O’LOANE AVENUE AND SOUTH OF HURON Street, and the Canadian National Railway to the South.
While a zoning change is required, this would only see the minimum yard width reduced from 2.5 meters to Two metres, and include changes to the maximum lot coverage.
1296 O’loane Ave.
Perhaps the Most Controversial of the Three Propals is an Application for 165 Housing Units by Glen Schnarr & Associates.
This planned development include 56 single detached homes and 109 Townhomes at O’loane Avemue and Quinlan Road over an Area of 7.95 hectares. The Lands Are Currently Being used for agricultural purposes, and would require a change for residential development. The Plan, if approved, would require Two New Roads.
The City Received Several Comments in Opposition to the Subdivision, Including One Resident who Expressed Their Frustration About the Length of the Public Comment Period.
“You guys see to go ahead on projects with little look to the public look,” the email stated while noting the new subdivision always sit directly in front of this resident’s home.
The public meetings are set for 6:30 pm in the council chambers on thursday.