Israel ends the ceasefire in Gaza – over 200 dead
Three news you must not miss:
Israel pushed down missile from the huthies
Israel pushed down missile from the huthies
The Israeli Armed Forces reports on Tuesday evening that they have shot down a missile fired from Yemen by the Huthi Bells, writes Times of Israel.
It is the first attack on Israel from the Huthis since January 18.
President Donald Trump threatened Iran on Monday that the Iranians will be held responsible for all new attacks from the Huthians.
Alarm about forest fire
Alarm about forest fire
It burns outdoors in Öllösta outside Gnesta, writes Sn.
According to the newspaper, this is an area of 400 square meters, and that it is “a fire that has gone over.”
“We will go to the scene, but are not there yet,” says Mats Pettersson, spokesperson for the police.
SOS was alerted at 18.00.
The rescue service is in place.
Lost boy found
Lost boy found
The police were looking for a 9-year-old boy in Trelleborg who did not come home after school.
Update: The boy is found unharmed.
Suspected bomb was fishing gear
Suspected bomb was fishing gear
The police were alerted during the afternoon that some people in connection with the cleaning of a storage room found an object if resembled a grenade.
A police patrol went out to the address for control.
After consulting NBS, the national bomb protection, it was found that it was a fishing gear.
The drama took place in Mora.
The patrol brought the implement.
The incident is now completed without further action, the police write on their website.
Zelenskyj visits Finland
Alexander Stubb and Volodymyr Zelenskyj during a press conference in Kyiv in February. Photo: Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press via AP/TT
Zelenskyj visits Finland
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj and his wife Olena Zelenska make an official visit to Finland on Wednesday, the Finnish presidential office announces.
According to Finnish Iltalehti, the presidential couple has already arrived in Helsinki.
Host of the visit are President Alexander Stubb and his wife Suzanne Ines-Stubb.
The visit begins with a welcome ceremony at Förgården to the president’s castle in the capital. There, the presidents will later discuss Finland’s support for Ukraine and measures to end the Russian attack war.
Knife -armed blotter in Bromma
Knife -armed blotter in Bromma
A 45-year-old man is suspected to have exposed himself outside a preschool in Bromma, police say.
The man should then have cycled from there.
Several patrols went to the scene and grab him a bit away.
He is suspected of sexually abusive and serious violation of the knife law.
The alarm came in at 15.27.
Man mysteriously injured in the king’s curve
Man mysteriously injured in the king’s curve
A 50-year-old man was found unconscious in the King’s King’s curve south of Stockholm on Tuesday afternoon.
“It is an injured person, a man who will be taken to hospital by ambulance,” said police spokesman Daniel Wikdahl.
The man is quick to after a while.
– Now he is awake and talkable, he has been unconscious. He himself states that he has been hit, but there is no car there, says Wikdahl.
The police are looking for witnesses who can shed light on the incident.
– So far we have found no witness who could tell what happened, says Wikdahl.
At present, the police are going on the man’s information about a traffic accident.
– We don’t have anything that points in a different direction, says Wikdahl.
The police draw up a report of infection from a traffic accident site and causing bodily harm.
Student beaten at school in Arvika
Student beaten at school in Arvika
A bunch of young people went to a school yard in Arvika where they abused a student who went to school.
The police moved out and a person is now arrested for the abuse.
Man arrested for the murder of Annelie
Man arrested for the murder of Annelie
A 55-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murdering Annelie, writes Na.
Now a man is suspected of murder.
Presidents are talking on the phone right now
Presidents are talking on the phone right now
US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are currently talking on the phone.
The conversation started at 15 and is still ongoing, according to the Reuters news agency.
The details of the conversation between the two world leaders are still unknown.
Dmitri Peskov, spokesperson in the Kremlin, has previously said that the presidents will talk to each other for as long as they consider necessary.
Trump stated yesterday that he planned to raise several things in the conversation with Putin.
Multi -billion package clubbed in Germany
Multi -billion package clubbed in Germany
The German Bundestag votes yes to constitutional amendments that enable loans of around thousands of billion euros for defense and infrastructure.
EU base: “Get up” for Greenland
EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in a performance in Cape Town last week. Archive photo. Photo: Nardus Engelbrecht/AP/TT
EU base: “Get up” for Greenland
Europe will always stand up for independence and territorial integrity, the EU Commission chairman Ursula von der Leyen promises in a line figure in Denmark.
Among other things, the importance of increased defense initiatives is emphasized, increased cooperation with Ukraine and more investments in “buying European” on the defense side.
Although Russia is mentioned as the main threat, von der Leyen also takes up the US sudden claim in Greenland – but without mentioning neither US nor President Donald Trump by name.
– To everyone in Greenland, and in Denmark as a whole, I want to be clear that Europe will always stand up for independence and territorial integrity, says von der Leyen.
Efforts at school – children stuck in pipes
Efforts at school – children stuck in pipes
There is an effort at a school in southern Stockholm after a child is stuck in a pipe.
– The child must have stuck with the legs in some kind of pipe but but has not been injured, says Anders Bengtsson at the police.
The Prime Minister on Landerholm’s post: “Don’t know if I knew”
The Prime Minister on Landerholm’s post: “Don’t know if I knew”
Security adviser Henrik Landerholm’s post about the forgotten documents was misleading.
Now Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson says in an interview with DN That he himself “does not know” if he knew in advance that the posts would be published.
– I don’t know if I knew it right then, the prime minister told the newspaper.
Committee approves eight JAS planes to Poland
Committee approves eight JAS planes to Poland
The composite Foreign and Defense Committee agrees with the government’s proposal to send JAS plans to Poland to defend NATO’s airspace, the Riksdag writes in a press release.
The purpose of the Swedish effort is a “participation in air defense operation within NATO to maintain security for military and civilian support for Ukraine.”
Already on May 1, a maximum of eight fighter aircraft with associated staff will be available for NATO’s air defense operation in Poland.
The assignment is approved until August 31, 2025.
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