The healthcare company is reported to the police by Region Kalmar. Kry believes that it is all a mistake, but the region claims that they have been bombarded with invoices they have already paid.
In the summer of 2024, Region Kalmar began to receive invoices from the healthcare company Kry. But the bills had already been paid by the region, they claimed themselves.
During the summer, Region Kalmar sent a formal warning to the invoices, which continued to arrive. Now more than 300 invoices have reached Region Kalmar, which believes that these are already paid.
KRY CHECK SUPPOSED BY THE REGION: More than 300 fake invoices
Sofia HartzPlanning Director at Region Kalmar County, now says in an interview with P4 Kalmar that they are now reporting the healthcare company.
– 296 billing occasions and there will be 112,425 (SEK, ed. Note). We think there is a certain obligation from us as a region to flag if we suspect that something has been done for fraudulent purposes.
Already in January reported P4 Kalmar About the region asked to quit double the invoices. Then claimed Malin WennergrenSweden manager at Kry, that they had not sent double invoices at all.
When she was now contacted by March The channel She didn’t know anything about the region’s police report.
– It was a little new information, it was exciting to get to know it. There is nothing we have had to share before, she says, and continued:
– It’s a misunderstanding.
Kry’s answer
Both parties have already discussed the invoices together, however, these have not stopped falling into the mailbox of the region.
According to KRY, there is an agreement with the region that you pay a lump sum for everything. The individual invoices that KRY send out concern the digital visits.
Region Kalmar, for its part, believes that they have already paid for these digital visits that the invoices affect.