Sani Brännfors took another step towards UFC – a professional debut in front of a Finnish audience Sport

Sani Brannfors took another step towards UFC a professional

Sani Brännfors has taken another step towards its goal, the UFC championship.

Freestyle Sani Brännfors20, will be able to make a debut professional in front of a Finnish audience in May, as Cage, a free -range organization, attacked Finland’s most successful amateur -rich meetings of all time.

Despite its young age, Brännfors from Oulu has already won three world championships. He is a world champion for IMMAF Adults, Under-21 and Under-18s. In addition, Brännfors has won two European championships, several Finnish championships in both free-air and lock wrestling, and Mexico championships from lock wrestling.

In the release, Brännfors said that Cage was a natural choice for him and a values ​​of the breeding ground for the international top.

“It is obvious in my mind that I win the UFC championship belt, but now I go towards it patiently and try to enjoy the trip,” Brännfors said.

In November, Brännfors told Sports that his goal is to be three years old in the second Finnish female freelance, the prestigious US free match organization. Tina Hanninen competed in UFC in 2014 for one match.

– It is obvious to me that I will get there. It’s an achievement in itself, but I’m not content with getting there. I’m going to stay there, Brännfors commented in November.

CAGEN CEO One Silvera Finland has never previously become a competitor who would have the same chance to become the UFC champion. According to Silvera, Brännfors’ achievements are unmatched, and in addition, Brännfors is an exemplary ambassador for him.

The Brännfors match will be held on May 17 in Helsinki. His opponent will be published shortly. In addition, the Brännfors Agreement with Cage includes matches in the fall of September and November.

Source: Cage Bulletin
