Investigators discovered traces of blood near the Haut-Vernet church. The latter could correspond to DNA discovered on the bones of Emile found a year ago.
The research of investigators in and around the Haut-Vernet church may have opened new avenues on the death of Emile. Traces of blood were detected on a planter at the entrance to the church according to information from Bfmtv. The flower bin in question is the one that was seized for investigators on Thursday, March 13 after excavations and in -depth expertise. According to the Parisianinvestigations have also taken place within the church, very frequented by the boy’s family, but the investigators only left with the planter. The operation within the place of worship was organized after the collection of information deemed interesting.
The track is still thin and could prove to be a dead end: are traces of blood of human or animal origin? Expertises must make it possible to answer this question. If it is human blood, investigators will be able to try to extract DNA in order to compare it to the genetic imprint found on the bones of little Emile. If the two DNA corresponds, the hypothesis of the involvement of a third party in the death of a little boy would be reinforced.
New checks and auditions
To date, the authorities are more and more some that the boy has not been able to disappear alone in the Haut-Vernet almost two years ago when he stayed with his grandparents. However, no police custody has yet taken place. A particular element goes in this direction: a DNA foreign to that of the Emile family was discovered during the analysis of the bones and clothes of the child. “Whether there is an author, that is almost no doubt. Did he voluntarily affect the child or involuntarily? It is impossible to say for the moment. But that there can be human intervention, that is now very likely,” said a source close to the file to BFM Dici. The accidental track is not yet completely excluded, such as that of manslaughter and that of opportunity crime.
In addition, the authorities continue to peel and analyze hundreds of data to understand what happened. They also consult the letters, often anonymous, which they have received on the case since the disappearance of Emile, in search of the slightest element that could help them. The field of research would also have expanded to the reception of one of these letters. At the beginning of March, gendarmes would have visited Tours and around Paris, while the investigations have always been located in the south of France. If this trip has not been officially confirmed, prosecutor Jean-Luc Blachon spoke of “simple checks”. Free hearings still take place. Even the gendarmes, first arrived at the scene of the disappearance, are invited to testify to what they noted that day in the hamlet.
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14:22 – Blood found near the Haut -Vernet church
Investigators responsible for investigations on the death of Emile discovered traces of blood on a planter who was at the entrance to the Haut-Vernet church, very frequented by the family of Emile. The origin of the traces of blood must be verified, in particular its human origin. If the latter is verified, the investigators will try to extract DNA to compare it to the genetic imprint found on the bones of Emile. These expertise is carried out in order to identify a possible intervener in the death of the little Emile.