Old stroke can mark the start of old age.
We are talking about “old -fashioned” but it is not a scientific term. It is actually a popular expression used to describe the brutal aging of a person. Aging is a progressive natural process that involves physical and organic changes. “”The “old -fashioned” characterizes a stage, like what is called the “quarantine crisis”explains Professor Benoît Schneider, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Lorraine and honorary president of the FFPP (French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology). It occurs at different moments depending on people after the other periods of transition from life, such as adolescence, the transition to adulthood or the end of professional activity. Old -up has rather a personal and social connotation. “
This step characterizes a social, psychological and physiological transition: it can mark the beginning of old age, which can appear after certain moments of life or following negative experiences. A person can also take a stroke of the look and the representations that the company has on them, corresponding to an ideal. “”Finally, old -fashioned, even initiated by an objective social or physical event, refers to a subjective feeling and an identity transformation of the person“Continues Professor Schneider. A person can age suddenly following a serious illness, a traumatic event or the weight of responsibilities, and not necessarily at retirement age as we often think.
The stroke of old does not arrive at a given age, as is the case of the child who becomes adolescent at the age of 13, who will legally become an adult from 18 years old. But researchers fromUniversity of Stanford have shown the occurrence of significant biological changes at 44 and 60 years old. At 44, responsibilities and stress accumulate, sedentary lifestyle settles down and we can have a global drop in energy. Certain metabolic functions tend to slow down, such as muscle recovery after effort or skin regeneration. The body’s ability to metabolize lipids and alcohol also decreases. At 60, organic aging becomes more visible: this age begins a decline in renal function and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in connection with a decrease in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The risks of cardiovascular disease increases.
However, researchers recognize gaps and believe that “Additional research is necessary for data validation” Eventually,, “”The notion of age for the old man is only part of a particular context. A night worker or a fragile health person will probably not have old -fashioned at the same age as a person who has worked in more favorable or healthy conditions. Several elements are involved, such as lifestyle, family relationships or relationships with others“Note the specialist. If we cannot completely escape aging, we can attenuate and delay this famous” old -fashioned “since it is as much linked to biological factors as psychological and social. Having a healthy lifestyle, a positive spirit, managing stress, maintaining social bond … These levers allow you to limit the impact and escape as much as possible.