Here is the amount of taxes in 2025 for a salary of 2000 euros

Here is the amount of taxes in 2025 for a

While the income declaration period is approaching, here is the amount to pay to the tax authorities with an average salary.

The dreaded moment is fast approaching. In a few weeks, all French people will have to make their tax return to taxes. If the apprehension of poorly filling out the form awaits a number of taxpayers, the concern is also to discover the amount that remains to be paid to the taxman, in addition to the withholding tax. In 2024, the figures were rather favorable to households: 16 million had received a reimbursement and 10 million had to pay a balance.

For several weeks, taxpayers did not know what would happen to the 2025 declaration campaign. Now that all the texts have entered into force, the horizon is clarified. Liner So did the calculations for an average French man receiving 2000 euros net per month after direct debit. Here are the results in three cases.


A single person receives this (almost) average salary every month. Fixed remuneration throughout the year 2024, including a 13e months, which he will therefore declare to taxes in the spring of 2025. Without children, this employee does not use a tax credit or credit. It is therefore a very simple declaration that he will make at the taxman.

When he has sent his income, the public treasury should claim him, a total of 1181 euros. This amount does not take into account the withdrawals at the source already taken by the taxman. This is the total note. The balance to pay will depend on the monthly samples already made.

For a married couple, the two members of which earn both 2000 euros net after taxes per month, the amount of income tax will display 2670 euros in 2025. Finally, for a couple also married, with this same salary, and who has an 11 -year -old child at their expense, schooling in college, income tax will amount to 1691 euros (reduced school tax reduction). A similar couple with two children (one in primary school, one in college) will see an invoice display 772 euros.

These calculations were carried out on the basis of simple declarations, without any reduction or tax credit (excluding college in two cases), and on the principle of an exact income between adults. Check with the official tax simulator, the amounts indicated correspond to the total to pay over the year. The sums already paid under the withholding tax have not been entrenched from these amounts.
