For François Bayrou, it’s loser-perceiving-L’Express

For Francois Bayrou its loser perceiving LExpress

Lapsus or confession? For lack of a crossroads or political tactics? While the discussions between social partners on the tracks to be found to amend the pension reform passed last year started less than a month ago, François Bayrou has just closed the door to a return from the retirement age at 62. Singular voltage. During the baptism of this famous conclave, the Prime Minister had nevertheless promised that the discussions should flourish without “taboo or totem”. What is surprising is not his declaration – he has always been favorable to a decline in the starting age – but the first class burial of social democracy as he called for.

Read also: Pensions: what you have not been told summary in ten figures

But is there only believed, as the equation is complex? The flash mission commanded at the Court of Auditors on the future of pension plans is uncompromising: no return of accounts in the green and medium term green. While the executive imposes a return to balance in 2030 and excludes any increase in contributions, the 64 -year -old totem seems almost impossible to unbolt. Only track: bringing the starting age to 63 in exchange for a significant and rapid increase in the duration of contributions, which will come back to the same for millions of contributors.

Read also: Bertrand Martinot: “On pensions, only a dose of capitalization can repair injustices”

Therefore, what can discussions achieve? Has measures on arduousness and perhaps a more global agreement between unions and employers on the employment of seniors-thorny French problem. At the end, this cenacle will appear like a maneuver by the Béarnais to convince the socialists not to vote the censorship on the 2025 budget. A maneuver which gives reason to Edouard Philippe, who continues to castigate this “above ground” conclave.
