Panic on ICA – popular goods over before Easter

Panic on ICA popular goods over before Easter

It starts to pull towards Easter which for many Swedes means Easter tables, friends and family. But there is already a lack of a very popular being that many will want.

Shopping at ICA is something that belongs to many Swedes’ everyday lives. Some times it is the big action that applies. Then maybe you take the car to a slightly larger ICA Maxi. Other times it may be that you forgot to buy avocado for Friday tacos, which allows you to quickly jump into a small ICA close to catch some quick goods.

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But the thing about shooting into the store just before it closes to quick shopping. It can ruin more than you think.

News24 Talked to Anna Winblad As today is employed at ICA Torsplan in Östersund. This was in connection with the fact that many stores in Sweden banned school students from going into groups and shopping at the same time in the stores. It has all been put into operation after a worrying trend where mockery, little theft, trouble and threatening situations have become increasingly common.

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– We did not want to ban students from coming in and shopping completely but still give them a chance. But as soon as they entered one by one instead of in a group we saw a positive change.

The advice of the ICA staff: “Don’t Has around

News24 then took the opportunity to ask if there is anything that a customer can do to make the employees’ work environment a little nicer.

– Most customers are very nice, greet and talk. It is always very much appreciated, she said then.

The employees at ICA also want to come home. Image source: Gorm Kallestad/TT

Is there anything at the checkout you can think of?

– Yes but maybe to put down the phone and instead be present instead of texting or standing completely in a call instead of paying. This is also for other customers.

And this with going in for a second before it closes?

– Of course, you have to do that. If we have not closed, it is perfectly reasonable to perhaps grasp a milk package or quickly get a few things. It may be rather when some customers take a carriage two minutes before closing and then retains the store for a long time. It can ruin more than they think.

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Anna then tells us that what can happen is that the staff must change in the schedule.

– By law, there must have been some time between the job pass and so on so sometimes it has simply become so that we have to change the schedule so that everything is handled correctly, she concluded.

The ICA manager’s warning: “The item ends”

During the past week, many parts of the country have been given some spring sun and warmer degrees. For many of us, it was a small reminder that it is starting to pull towards Easter.

But just as with Christmas times, Easter also comes with some requirements when family, relatives and friends often gather to enjoy food, drink and cozy together.

Many of us shop at ICA several times a week. Image source: Janerik Henriksson / TT

Since we Swedes are a bit traditional, it happens that many are looking for the same things for their little Easter table.

During Christmas, a store manager at an ICA in Stockholm could tell that there was a great shortage of anchovies.

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-Only while we had this interview have I got the question maybe seven to eight times where people wonder about anchovies, he said.

And unfortunately, it looks like we will see the same thing this year.

There is already a lack of anchovies. Image source: Private

Yeah … so no Jansson this year either. How come it will be this way?

– A little mixed causes. The stores are starting to buy anchovies home for Easter. And there is already a shortage of the supplier and at ICA’s warehouse. All stores know what they usually sell so they try to get the right amount, concludes the store manager.

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