Make Children Better Now Marks 20 Years

The Neuts Family Approaches Another Milestone Sale the TRAGIC DEATH OF THEIR 10-YEAR-OLD SON MYLES IN FEBRUARY 1998.

The Neuts Family Approaches Another Milestone Sale the TRAGIC DEATH OF THEIR 10-YEAR-OLD SON MYLES IN FEBRUARY 1998.

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In October, The Thamesville Couple Will Mark 20 Years Sale the Launch of Make Children Better Now Association (The Acronym McBn Paying Tribute To Their Son’s Full Name Myles Casey Benson Neuts), Which Focuses on Anti-Bullying and Promoting Empathy, Care, Peace and respect.

Myles Was Found Unconscious Hanging from a washroom stall coat hook over the noon hour at his chatham elementary school on Feb. 6, 1998. The Family Took Him Off Life Support Six Days Later.

His Death, Suspected to have results from an act of Bullying Involving Two Classmates, Led to a coroner’s inquest, Which Left the Unable to Determine What Happened that day.

The Seed to Create McBn Began to Develop the Inquest Ended in April 2000, which results in 24 Recommendations. But it nEEDED TIME to germinate, as the couple continued to gain nowledge and experience through their efforts to find ways to protect and advocate for children.

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Mike Neuts Estimates He’s Spoken to About 200,000 Students, Educators, Law Enforcement and A Host of Other Organizations since 2000.

“As soon as the inquest ended in April of 2000, by the end of that school year, i had my first request to speak at a school,” he said.

Neuts Recalls being surprise when contact by the main of an elementary school in parkhill, Near London.

When the main at the time smells Him Documentation on the School’s Safety Policies, He Said, “Some of them us pre-Emptive Matching Some of our Coroner’s Inquest Recommendations.”

NEUTS ALSO Remembers Calling the Principal and Asking Why She Wanted Him to Speak at the School.

He added the main told him: “MR. SOE OF OUR PARENTS, some of our studs, some of our staff we’re too much overbearing with our rules – and you are going to come and tell that.

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The couple put and world with experts, such as dan korem, who developed the missing protector strategy, which peers an adult with an at-risk child. They also put and developed a relationship with dr. lena Augimeri, after she presented at a symposium they are waiting on why kids become perpetrators and the impact of dysfunctional homes.

“We had all these people coming back forward and imparting their nowledge on us,” neuts said.

He Said there was also strongy support. A Big Factor for Developing McBn Was Myles’ Classmates Who Remaine Connect To Their Family Along With The Support Received from the Late John Kopinak, Form of the Chatham-Kent Police Service.

NEUTS ALSO Credits Friend Kent Chapman Connecting Them With Keith and Karn Graham, Who Provided the Connections, Guidance and Funding to Get McBn Formed, with the Help of London-Based Lawyer Sylvia Loyens.

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McBn Added a New Dimension when Neuts was asked to present with the respect revolution program, which was started by community living chatham-kent by Ron Coristine Sr. with Crystal Gage and Ron Blommers.

After Partnering With Respect Revolution, Which Promotes Self-Respect Along With Equity and Inclusion, With Students as Participants, Neuts Approached Coristine About Running A Summer Camp for the Performing Arts, Which Began in 2017.

“There’s lots of summer camps, but not too much for the performing arts,” neuts said.

“The Kids Become Tight as a unit, and Become Good Friends,” He Said of the Camp for Kids Age Four to 14.

At 20th Anniversary Celebration is planned for Oct. 25, 2025 – 25 years after McBn Began, at the John D. Bradley. Information about McBn can be found at

Mike and Brenda Neuts Said It has been very satisfying to have McBn Continue for Two Decades.

Although McBn results from Tragedy, Mike Neuts Said, “All of the People that we put, that we never would have an exception.

[email protected]

Recounded from Editorial

  1. Twenty-Five Years After His 10-Year-Old Son Myles, Seen in Front Photograph, Died After Being Found Unconscious Hanging by his collar and Necklace from a hook on the door of a washroom stall at his catham Elementary School, Mike Neuts and His Wife Brenda, Not Pictured, Continue to Share Anti-Bullying Message. (Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News)

    Neuts Family Continues Anti-Bullying Advocacy 25 Years After Losing Son

  2. None

    Hurt Leads to Hope for Neuts Family

