Here you can shop during the boycott week 12

Here you can shop during the boycott week 12

There are probably few Swedes who have avoided that a boycott has just begun against leading actors in the grocery trade. In a protest against the rising food prices, several Swedes choose not to trade from food giants such as ICA, Coop, City Gross, Hemköp and Lidl during week 12.

However, this does not mean that those who boycotts must refrain from shopping for food during the week. There is a selection of smaller grocery stores that are not included in the boycott.

In connection with the boycott, a reseller of groceries has seen increased sales. The company Matsmart describes a positive trend.

– It is difficult to say exactly how much the boycott affects us, but it is possible that we will see an extra increase next week. But when a lot is written about food prices, customers come to us, says Matsmart’s CEO Peter Beckius In an interview with Svenska Dagbladet.

An alternative to large grocery stores and that is included in the group is so-called reko-rings, a relatively new invention in Sweden. The Swedish Tax Agency Describes Reko rings as the following:

“Reko stands for substantial consumption and is a way to sell locally produced goods without intermediaries.”

These groups can be found via Facebook where you can also apply for membership. The same forum also usually announces which foods are available for sale and these can be purchased directly from the producers.
