Standing up in the farm is no direct dance on roses. The participants who line up in the program are forced to leave their amenities at home to move into a farm in the Småland forests instead. There they will live there for a whole summer as they did in the 19th century-that is, without electricity and running water.
During the days, the animals will be taken care of and that the participants receive a number of different assignments each week that apply to both construction and other household chores.
In addition to all the tasks and the fear of being chosen as the first fighter, there are other things you have to endure during your time in the yard. Already from day one, it is pacted, the food that is eaten consists mostly of potatoes and prey, there is no ordinary shower or hygiene articles and at night the participants wake up by crawling rats in the walls.
Despite this, thousands of people are applying for the program every year – so this year as well.
One participant in the yard who quickly got a lot of camera time was the blacksmith and Stockholm-Karln Robert Nilsson. Robert also became very good friend with Mikael Nilsson And quickly the guys started the so -called “pact”.
After the recording, the guys also started a common Youtube channel where they updated viewers every week about what happened in the program.
But suddenly the Youtube channel changed its name. Mikael was replaced by Amanda Teroni And the guys have followed each other on Instagram.
What has happened, however, they have chosen not to go out.
– I comment on what happens in the program but not individual people, Mikael told News24.
Although Robert Nilsson had a central role in the yard and was very popular with both participants and viewers, his journey would end with him left the farm himself. This after receiving a call from life on the outside.
– I will have to leave for private reasons. There are things that are more important than a television program, he said before leaving.
In a new youtube video He recorded with Amanda Teroni now weighs Robert to turn a little more about the conversation he received.
– When I got to the torpedo, things happened pretty quickly. I received a message that I had to decide on. A position where I felt that some things are more important here in life, he says and continues:
– I will not point out what happened but it was for personal reasons …. I should be honest, however, and say that I did not feel it was time to leave. I would have liked to be there for a few more weeks. I was not set to win half a million but I like to be on television, Robert concludes.