The Train President of King’s University College is SUING THE LONDON SCHOOL for Wrongful Dismissal, Claiming He was Terminated for His Liberal Values and Association with the LGBTQ Community.

The Train President of King’s University College is SUING THE LONDON SCHOOL for Wrongful Dismissal, Claiming He was Terminated for His Liberal Values and Association with the LGBTQ Community.
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In A Stément of Claim, David Maloy is suing Western University‘S Catholic Affiliate for $ 1.6 Million for Breach of Contract and $ 50,000 for Damages for What The Lawsuit Alles was the discriminatory Termination of his employment and for injury to dignity, feelings and self-compliance.
“Dr. Malloy Pleads that King’s Breached the code because of Based, at Least in Part, On Dr. Maloy’s Creed and Association with individuals of that Diffeers from heterosexuality or other sexual orientations that do not align with catholic values.
Statements of Claim Included Allegations That Have Not Been Tested in Court.
Hired by King’s as its top leader in 2019, The London Resident’s Five-Year Contract Ended in June 2024The Lawsuit States.
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A Second Five-Year Term Began in July that Year and was supposed to end in 2029. But Maloy, then 64, was Terminated by the Board of Directors on Aug. 31, 2024, Without Cause, According to the Stament of Claim.
“Dr. Maloy Pleads that King’s Had Questioned His Liberal Progressive Views and/Or Forced, EITher Implicitly or Otherwise, Dr. Maloy to Advocate for and Accept Catholic Ideologies,” The Stament of Claim Reads.
The Lawsuit Accuses The Board of Directors of Questioning His Support of the Catholic Mission, and His Decision to Hire The Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization.
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The Board, the Lawsuit Alles, also pressurized Maloy to include Catholic Values in Public Statements, included Catholic Teaching in His Personal Development and accused Malloy of “Not standing up for Catholic Values.”
In the Lawsuit, Malloy Alles That Becuse of “Bad Faith Manner and Misleading Dismissal HE Has Sufferred from Mental Mental Distress.”
In August 2024, Nonie Brennan, Who Chaired the School’s Board of Directors, Told Faculty in An Email that Maloy was leaving but Didn’t Say Why and Declined to be interviewed by the free press.
Asked about the Departure, The School’s Faculty Association Declined comment.
Maloy Made Roughly $ 308,000 A Year, According to the College’s Latest Annual Filing Under Ontario’s Public-Sector Salary Disclose Law.
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Maloy, An Ethics Researcher with dozens of publications to his name, was Installed in 2019 as the main of King’sA Title Changed to President in 2021. His supplement at King’s Followed A 30-Year Career with the University of Regina As A Faculty Member and Administrator, The College’s Website States.
The Process of Re-Appointing Malloy for A Second Term Included Community Consultation, Annual Performance Reviews and Feedback, Brennan Naded in 2023 Online Post in Which She Said the School was excited he had accepted another term.
During His Tenure, Malloy Establised A Department of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization and Appointed An indigenous Initiatives Advis.
In 2021, King’s flow the Rainbow Pride Flag For the First Time, Becoming the Second Catholic University in Ontario to Show Such Support for the LGBTQ Community. The move was not supported by the area catholic diocese.
Maloy’s Lawyer, Robert W. Vitols, Told the Free Press a Stament of Defense is expected from King’s Lawyers in mid-April.
King’s University College Officials Declined to How We Maloy’s Lawsuit.