(Finance) – In a historical moment in which, according to the Report Italy 2024 of the Eurispesmore than half of Italians struggles to arrive at the end of the month (57.4%), the phenomenon of over -indebtedness is becoming increasingly current. But what is the identikit of the super -indebted person in Italy? Man, married, about 50 years old, of Northern Italy and with an average debt of about 28 thousand euros. This is what emerges from Finsight, the Observatory on the debt of GO Bravo, Fintech operating in the context of the management and liquidation of private debts.
The analysis, based on a large sample of over 8,000 Italians who have encountered difficulties in repaying their debts (personal loans, credit card, trust), sees one Net male prevalencewith the personal loan that confirms the most widespread form of debt. The territorial and social differences are also strong, which outline the complex framework of over -indebtedness in Italy.
The survey emerges how the phenomenon mainly concerns men over 50 years, most of the time married and with a debt exposure between 10,000 and 50,000 euros and an average debt equal to about 28 thousand euros. More than 1 in 5 (21%) also has a debt over 40 thousand euros. 71% are man, increasing compared to 68% of last year. Women represent 29%. The average number of debts per person is equal to 2.5, a value remained stable compared to last year.
As for the level of education, 51% of super -indebted people have a high school diploma, while 17% have finished secondary school. 15%of the sample have a technical or professional institute diploma, while graduates (three years or masterful) represent 8%. In general, there is a correlation between the level of education and the degree of debt, with the latter tends to increase as the qualification grows. Those who are in possession of the media license diploma an average debt of 25 thousand euros, those who have obtained the secondary school diploma of 27 thousand euros, while the average debt of graduates is the highest (about 31 thousand euros).
Moving on to geographical differences, at the top of the ranking of the regions with the highest average debt, we find Molise (over 32 thousand euros), Valle d’Aosta (31 thousand euros) and Puglia (30 thousand euros). After all, however, Abruzzo (25 thousand euros), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (26 thousand euros) and Marche (27 thousand euros). As regards, however, the number of over -indebtedness cases, there is a clear prevalence of cases in some of the most populous regions. Lombardy leads the ranking with 17%of cases, followed by Lazio (12%) and Campania (8%).
Thinking for macroareas, Northern Italy is the area with the highest number of cases (44% of the total)more than the South and the islands (29%) and the center (27%). Mild, however, the differences in the average debt level, always around 28 thousand euros.
Looking at the international context, the statistical tool The National Accounts AT in Glance, created by the OECD, highlights that the relationship between the total debt of Italian families and the overall available income is 82%. A lower value than that of France (122%) and Germany (90%), and very distant from Switzerland debt levels (224%), the Netherlands (220%) and Denmark (212%). The data show that, overall, the country’s debt level is lower than that of many other advanced economies. The reasons? Certainly greater financial prudence by Italian families, but also an access to more selective credit than other countries.
“The analysis conducted through Finsight, our Observatory, highlights a potential alarm, that of over -indebtedness. It is a growing phenomenon and which involves increasingly larger population bands, making it necessary to support those who are in difficulty – declares – Daniel Martinez, Co-Country Manager of Go Bravo in Italy. In this context, the role of GO Bravo is fundamental in providing concrete solutions and in helping people to renovate their debts and find economic stability. Strengthened by the over 15 years of experience on different markets, we commit ourselves every day to offer effective support and tools to get out of the over -indebtedness. But it can be done even more. A key element to counter this phenomenon is financial education, which helps to prevent critical situations and promote a more conscious management of credit “.