Leaked messages say leading Republicans and Trump supporters plead to cancel 2020 presidential election

Leaked messages say leading Republicans and Trump supporters plead to

News channel CNN has captured more than two thousand text messages from Donald Trump’s chief human resources officer Mark Meadows.

Former President of the United States Donald Trumpin human resources manager Mark Meadowsin 2,319 text messages provide a unique insight into the activities of Trump’s close circle after his election defeat in late 2020.

This is the first time text messages received and sent by Meadows have been leaked to the public.

So far, they have only been accessed by the U.S. House of Representatives Committee, which is investigating the events of January 6, to which Meadows was ordered to hand over the messages.

Trump’s close circle sought to nullify the legal election result

The text messages show that several leading Republican politicians and members of Trump’s inner circle are working to nullify the result of the November 2020 presidential election even before the result is over.

For example, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. and a former energy minister appointed by Trump Rick Perry approached Meadows immediately after election day with messages alleging large-scale electoral fraud.

After the election result was over, the Republican project to nullify it accelerated.

Pennsylvania Republican Scott Perry plotted to replace senior U.S. Department of Justice officials with those willing to annul the election.

This happened at a time when Trump is known to be considering the possibility of dismissing the Attorney General William Barr office because he refused to nullify Biden’s profits.

– Mark, what’s up? Time is running out. 11 days for election approval and 25 days for inauguration, Perry message to Meadows.

On November 4, just the day after election day, President of the Conservative American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp approaches Meadows in connection with election earnings accounting.

– Try to rack up four or five “killers” for the remaining income statement. We need effective outsiders, locals are not enough. Lawyers and practitioners are needed. Win these states for us, he writes.

Republican Representative of the State of Arizona Andy Briggs for his part, he suggested to Meadows that state administrations elect voters who support Trump.

Fox News wanted to influence the election result

Meadows text messages include numerous messages from various media providers.

They show how Fox News is a popular anchor Sean Hannity instructs Trump and asks his close circle for instructions to secure a Republican victory.

Hannity, for example, asks on election day how she could contribute to the success of Republicans in the state of North Carolina.

– Emphasize that every vote means and that people have to vote, Meadows answers Hannity.

This in turn answers as follows.

– Yes, sir, I’m getting ready.

The reports show that many Republicans genuinely believed in electoral fraud. Trump spread allegations of electoral fraud even before polling day, but no outside investigation or recount showed any signs of electoral fraud.

Trump’s close circle members like her daughter Ivanka Trumphis son-in-law Jared Kushnerhis son Donald Trump Jr., and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani sent several “evidence” of electoral fraud to group discussions.

The Capitol takeover on January 6 was too much for even the toughest supporters of Trump

As a violent crowd of Trump supporters marched at his urging to the U.S. Administration Center on Capitol Hill and captured the convention building, many Republicans approached Meadows, demanding that Trump take action.

– Mark, there’s a shooter on the first floor of the convention building. Ask the president to calm the situation. This is not the right way to solve the situation, wrote one of Trump’s strongest supporters Marjorie Taylor Greene.

– Mark, he needs to stop this now. Is there any way I can help, ”Trump’s former human resources manager wrote to Meadows Mick Mulvaney.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., understood the gravity of the situation. He wrote the following message to Meadows after violent Trump supporters conquered Congress.

– This will help them (Democrats) prepare for war. If the situation worsens, they will try to tarnish his entire legacy with this.

However, Meadows ’text messages also show how Republicans tried to push responsibility for what happened on January 6 into Democrats’ responsibility.

Spokesman for Trump’s election campaign Jason Miller wrote the following to Meadows and Trump ‘s assistant Dan Scavino.

– It may be nonsense, but I think the president should post the following messages on Twitter: 1) Antifa and other crazy leftists infiltrated peaceful protesters who opposed the falsification of the vote. Violence is never acceptable. Proponents of Trump need to give the police peace of mind and leave the Capitol right away! 2) False news media that encouraged people in the summer to violent protests are now trying to blame peaceful Trump supporters for the violence. But we are not violent! Let us go home and bring these to justice.

Many other leading Republicans also approached Meadows with “evidence” that the Capitol’s occupiers were anti-Trump anti-fascists.

Hundreds of investigations have shown, according to CNN, that almost all of the Capitol’s occupiers were supporters of Trump.

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