New servers for MMORPG to Lord of the rings trigger mass parade, exceed the developers’ expectations

The move from the old 32-bit to the new, more modern 64-bit server by Lord of the Rings Online was unfortunately a frustrating experience for many interested parties. Now one of the managers has revealed the main reason for the many problems.

How did the move go? Meinmmo had reported almost two weeks ago that the transfers planned for March 4, 2025 to the new 64-bit servers were overshadowed by severe problems online.

First there was a short delay because the Legacy servers were offline, which was not possible to transfer. When the transfer window then opened, so many players tried to register for the character parade that the system collapsed within a very short time.

The developers then paused the transfer assistant to give the system the opportunity to process all current transfer inquiries. Later they opened the assistant again for new transfer requests, but the problems remained. To date, there are players who cannot play on the new worlds with their characters.

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What do the developers say? They are mainly discussed with those affected on the official discord channel of the MMORPG to calm the minds. Executive Producer Rob “Seberlin” Ciccolini writes on Discord: “So far we have transferred over 1 million characters since the transfers have opened.”

Even though 1+ million characters are not 1+ million different players (many long -time fans of HDRO have countless twinks), the rush is remarkable for a game that has been under the belt for almost 18 years. So remarkable that even the developers had expected a significantly smaller number.

It is probably part of the genre of the MMOs and MMORPGs that the responsible developers misjudge the upcoming rush of players before a launch or a transfer phase. Here is a random example from October 2024: New MMORPG groans under player record on Steam: Amazon says about the many problems.

What do the new servers bring? With Orcrist (Europe) and Meriadoc (Europe, role-playing game) there are now the first two 64-bit servers for the European region, for which you do not have to have a VIP status. Like the VIP server Mordor, the two fresh worlds are also located in an EU data center. The old 32-bit servers are still in New Jersey.

A much more smooth gaming experience awaits you on the new servers. Further technical improvements such as 4K resolution and a new launcher should follow in an indefinite period. You can find everything else about the new 64-bit servers from Lord of the Rings online in our overview.
