Socialist party activists in the face of their party divisions

Socialist party activists in the face of their party divisions

Two years from the presidential election and three months from their congress, what is the state of mind of activists of the Socialist Party? Is Olivier Faure favorite? Or do his new competitors shade him? Is the union with the other left parties still relevant? Many questions addressed in a public meeting organized by the PS years the small town of Fameck, in Moselle, in the eastern France.

Of our special envoy to Fameck,

A few dozen socialist activists are present for this night public meeting. Many of them have made a way to share what they think of the internal news of the PS. After Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, Boris Vallaud and Philippe Brun embark on the race to replace Olivier Faure.

For Christine and Jean, two socialist activists, these new applications are extremely healthy. “” It’s good for democracy, supports Christine. I am for dispute. At the PS, we have a lot of debates. “And Jean to add:” The big advantage that we have in the Socialist Party is that we have several candidates and therefore it is the real democracy that will apply. »»

Paul, a young activist, even sees it as an asset of the PS compared to other parties: ” [Par rapport à] Insoumise France, of course, but I also think of macronists who are starting to structure themselves, but who do not have this type of internal debate. »»

If everyone’s programs will be presented later, we already know the main lines and activists have their preferences. There are unconditional factorists: ” Me, with the idea, it would rather be to continue on the line of Faure, because I am for an alliance with LFI “Says an activist. Joined by another: ” I have always known Olivier Faure and I saw what he set up to go up the party and to be there today. »»

And others who are rather supporters of change. Boris Vallaud, for example, has the favor of this activist: ” I find that he is avant-garde. He prepares things, he could give new ideas. The PS must be found. This other activist prefers Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, mayor of Rouen.

“” A union of the left is needed »»

If all hope that the PS Congress will end up with a rally, Without falling into the 2022 pugilatthe question of the gathering with the rest of the left remains at the center of attention. “” In view of the tripolarization of the political spectrum, it takes a union of the left to reach stadiums where you can pass the second round. “” ” If we want to win, we have no choice. », Insists another.

With a reserve to this union each time which holds in three letters: LFI. “” Today, having a rebellious label is still giving the impression that to win a voter, you have to lose two “, Land on this activist. “” Me, I am for the union of the left, but with the rebellious, it must be admitted that it is difficult anyway, because they are very radical “Insists this activist.

But you still have to be able to be heard in front of LFI. A sympathizer affirms this, the stage of the municipal elections, next year, will be very useful to replace the Socialist Party on the front of the stage. And why not make it the Union engine.

Read tooFrance: The PS ready to drop the moorings with the new Popular Front?
