A little sun and blue sky … before the rain! The weather is changing this week, here is what awaits you until this weekend in France.
Spring is coming, but it is not yet time to get rid of the jacket or big wool. The beginning of the week is still very pleasant for the vast majority of French people in metropolis, with a clear sky. This Tuesday, moreover, the sun and the blue sky persists on three -quarters of the country, according to forecasts from the weather chain. Clouds still moderate the bonuse joys along the Atlantic facade. As the forecast institute points out, only Languedoc-Roussillon must deal with “gray and humid time in a sensitive sea wind”.
Wednesday is marked by favorable weather conditions on three -quarters of France. The clouds gradually dissipate, giving way to a more clear sky. Temperatures will go up slightly, with maximums reaching 14 ° C to 16 ° C in the North and up to 16 ° C to 18 ° C in the south. Some residual showers can occur near the Mediterranean. The wind will also weaken, making this day more pleasant.
Thursday is spring! The weather is nice in the North, and on almost the whole country, with however a little more degraded conditions near the Mediterranean, with wind to Midi Toulouse. In any case, the temperatures will be very pleasant: “We will no longer talk about frost in the morning. It will be soft with 14 to 19 ° C on average in the afternoon”, insists the weather chain.
After this beautiful spring parenthesis, the rocking will take place this Friday. “The anticyclone present on central Europe will be increasingly jostled. An Atlantic disturbance will bring showers in the West”, writes the weather chain, which still specifies: “Pluvio-storming lifts will affect the Mediterranean regions under a very turbulent south wind”. The only good news is for Alsace, part of Lorraine to Nord Pas-de-Calais where “the beautiful calm and sunny weather will resist” before thunderstorms.
The weekend should be a little sad for a weekend marked by the return of spring. A current of southwest wet will cross the country, so we must expect showers and clouds that will travel the sky on Saturday and Sunday. The lucky ones will have some clearings, but it will be very ephemeral. The trend is clearly to greyness and rain. The blue sky will wait again, therefore, but it will be relatively soft for the season.