22-year-old Eemil Porvari was fourth in the European Cup spear race.
Last summer’s records many times improved the spear thrower Eemil bourgeois He opened his racing season with a magnificent over 80 meters in the European Cup in Nikos in the European Cup. The bourgeois result 81.55 was enough in a rather high level of competition instead of fourth.
The bourgeois was already alarmed by the 80 meters border in the second round and threw his best fourth.
– Okay one throw. As far as the starting point, I haven’t been able to throw it outside. Once I went to Hartola field. The snow was knocked out so I could throw, Porvari said in a news release from the Sports Association.
The March competition hit the middle of the training season. According to the bourgeois, throwing still felt hasty and did not get properly pressure on the throws.
– The exercises have gone well. I’ve been healthy, avoiding injuries and the features have been made, Porvari said.
Last year, the bourgeois was fourth in the Kaleva Games and second in the Swedish match. In August, he set a record of 82.69.
The Cyprus race won Greek Ioannis Kiriazis with 84.38. Of the Finns, the race also participated in the race Topias Lainethe longest throw carried 76.83 meters.