CBS: The United States also in connection with Syria for Gaza forced transfers Brief news

Earlier in February, President Donald Trump announced that the United States intends to take control of the Gaza lane and that the Palestinians in the area could be inhabited.

The US administration has sought to contact the new Syrian administration through the intermediary on the Gaza’s forced transfers to the state, says CBS referring to their sources.

According to sources, Israel is also interested in the use of Syria in re -relocating the Palestinians.

However, the Syrian authority tells CBS that the country is not aware of the possible US or Israel efforts to contact the Gaza forced transfer.

According to sources, representatives of Israel and US have discussed transfers with Sudan, Somalia and Somalia. According to Somalia, the country has not been in contact with forced transfers.

Earlier in February US President Donald Trump He stated that the United States intends to take control of the Gaza lane and that the Palestinians in the area could be inhabited.

The proposal received widespread criticism as the population’s forced transfer would be contrary to international laws and ethnic cleaning.

Israel was previously reported to start preparations for the transfer of the Palestinians out of the Gaza lane and the country’s government planning to establish a special agency for the task of the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
