The Italian Sea Group: the Guidance 2024 centered but the title records heavy losses

The Italian Sea Group the Guidance 2024 centered but the

(Finance) –

The Italian Sea GroupGlobal operator of luxury boating luxury on Euronext Star Milan, in 2024 he recorded revenues for 404.4 million, growing 11% compared to the previous year. Ebitda also rises that reaches 70.3 million (+13.5%) with a Margin Ebitda equal to 17.4% (compared to 17% in 2023) in line with what is indicated in Guidance 2024. EBIT was 57.7 million (+14.3%). On the other hand, the net profit for 33.8 million (-8.2%), “conditioned by non-recurring tax posters”, explained the company.

The Board of Directors proposed a dividend equal to 0.245 per action, with a 40% payout on net profit. The Board of Directors also approved to submit to the shareholders’ meeting on 22 April 2025 the proposal to authorize the purchase and the provision of actions proper.

There Net financial position it was equal to -12.5 million, compared to 1.5 million to 31 December 2023. The Wallet orders As of 31 December 2024, it amounts to 1.24 billion With a Net Backlog of 433 million euros. For 2025 The Italian Sea Group has foreseen revenues between 410 and 430 million euros and an Ebitda Margin between 17.5-18.0%.

“The results that the Board of Directors has approved today confirm our strength and flexibility once again, which have allowed us to successfully face a year characterized by a very uncertain macroeconomic and geopolitical scenario. Despite the challenger context, we have reached a new revenue record for 405 million euros in a path of sustainable growth that led us to improve our profitability while always putting the quality of our yachts as always in the first place”, commented John ConstantineFounder & CEO of Tisg. For 2025 Constantine has ensured new “various iconic“And he added that the group is starting” the preliminary analysis of acquisitions of synergistic realities to our core and linked to the needs of ultra-highnet-worth-individuals “.

However, the results do not seem to have convinced the investors: the title records in fact losses in the stock exchange above 11%.
