These 5 questions asked when examining the “code” are easy … apparently. This is an opportunity to check in a few minutes if you are still at the level.
The highway code evolves over time and it can be easy to be trapped by new rules … unless it is the memory that plays you tricks. Here are five questions out of the corpus of the theoretical driving license exam, the famous “code”.
They should not pose a problem for most drivers but a little review will not hurt, right? This is an opportunity to revise and challenge your loved ones. Who will be 5/5? Remember that to validate this exam, the candidates must answer correctly to at least 35 questions out of the 40 proposed!
Our little quiz consists of 5 questions “only”, relating to 4 photos below. You can observe them one by one before answering the questions available on the quiz lower on the page.
Photo to observe for question n ° 1:
Photo for question n ° 2:
Photo for question n ° 3:
Photo for questions n ° 4 and 5:
Did you observe these 4 photos? Place at the quiz below. The correct answer appears after entering your proposal. And you have no time limit, unlike the exam candidates who have only about 30 seconds.
Have you found the 5 correct answers? Well done, you are probably at the level to pass or iron the code! But beware, it also includes questions about blood alcohol levels, the dangers of narcotics, electric vehicles and new mobility or even fuel savings. So many possible traps in short …
Driver license candidates validate the theoretical highway examination of the Highway Code, the famous “code exam”, when they get at least 35 correct answers on the 40 questions proposed during the exam. They can then start driving lessons with a driving school instructor. The passage of the final driving license exam is then possible in general after 20 hours of driving lessons.