The agents responsible for controlling the declarations made to taxes, but not that, represent 10,000 people in France.
It is a job that crystallizes a lot of prejudices, mostly negative. It is also a particularly unknown profession, whose mission is, in the collective imagination, unique. And yet. Being tax controller is not only to move the tax return to find the small error and apply a recovery.
Behind the image of the professional only responsible for looking for the little beast in the middle of the forms hides a whole range of activities. But at what price? The salaries of these 10,000 DGFIP officials are public, while 1000 positions are to be filled each year.
To work for public finances, only the bac is enough. This may seem surprising given the complexity of the task, but taxes recruit without diploma in higher education. The tray in your pocket, it is possible to apply for the DGFIP competition. This is broken down by two written tests and an oral.
If the candidate is received, he then won a training provided by the taxman: 7 months at the National School of Public Finance (Lyon, Noisy-le Grand or Clermont-Ferrand), 4 months of internship and 1 month of “first business” training. A year therefore before embarking on the big bath. But, above all, a paid year. 90% of the basic salary is collected throughout the training.
Once in office, the new tax agent begins as public finance controller 2e Class, at the reception of the public in tax centers, tax control or even land tax management. As such, he receives € 22,034.36 gross annual salary, a bonus of € 2,614.70 annual gross, as well as an allowance of € 2202 annual gross. In total, this corresponds to € 26,851.06 annual gross, or € 1711 net per month after taxes. This remuneration is outside Île-de-France since increases for life in Paris and around is planned.
In this position, you have to wait 20 years before arriving at 2000 € net per month. A salary more quickly achievable in the event of professional development. This is particularly the case for tax inspectors, responsible for more in -depth investigations and various responsibilities. At the end of their careers, the latter receive around 3000 euros per month.
Furthermore, as Bruno Le Maire had indicated, then Minister of the Economy, no premium is collected by agents on the pronounced tax penalties.