The fact that there are a number of plant species that should not be allowed to reproduce or kept in the garden, many people know. What fewer people know is exactly which species are included by the ban.
The ban comes from an EU regulation and in other words applies to all EU countries. The reason is that the plants are classified as invasive foreign species, which means that they can damage surrounding ecosystems.
Having these plants in their ownership can therefore create problems.
Henrik Langecoordinators invasive alien species on The Swedish Environmental Protection Agencywork out what applies.
– Here is a criminal liability for crimes against the prohibitions, fines or imprisonment for gross negligence, Lange tells News24.
It is not only forbidden to have these in their garden.
The following things must not be done with the plants listed below.
– These species are banned throughout the EU, says Henrik Lange at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and at the same time points out:
– It is unlikely that someone is convicted of having it in their garden. If, on the other hand, you have been given an order from the county administrative board to remove it and have not followed the call, then the matter is different. But it is necessary to be grossly negligent for criminal liability to occur.