François Bayrou, three months in Matignon: a first assessment

Francois Bayrou three months in Matignon a first assessment

François Bayrou celebrates his three months this week in Matignon this week. The Prime Minister traces his route with a disconcerting style sometimes even for his own camp but, a political end he escapes censorship for the moment and learns errors from his predecessor Michel Barnier. The head of government, with more than forty years of political life, assures his survival.

On the positive side, the mayor of Pau avoided censorship on the budget, which allowed him to cross the barrier on which his predecessor Michel Barnier had dropped. It could be described as a fine strategist because three months after his appointment, he escaped six motions of censorship. The complicated situation does not scare him, it is even in these kinds of situations that he excels, confided a deputy from his camp and who knows him well. His relatives, his party also blocks behind him. For many parliamentarians, the Prime Minister essentially seeks to save time, with his survival in Matignon as the sole objective. “” He wants to last whatever it costs “, Accuses a deputy who believes that François Bayrou “” loose everything »To oppositions.

The image of the Prime Minister tarnished by controversies and cafouts that sowed the trouble

His trip to the Pau municipal council three days after his appointment, theBetharram case With which he has not finished it since the parliamentary commission of inquiry into violence in schools, wishes to audition it, his desire to denounce the 1968 agreement with Algeria which earned him a reframing of Emmanuel Macron, or his idea of ​​a referendum on pensions.

Read tooFrance: François Bayrou threatens to denounce the agreements of 1968 with Algeria

What action program for François Bayrou in the coming months?

On the Matignon side, for the moment, we do not want to implement major laws. The Prime Minister prefers to bet on parliamentary initiatives, as his entourage explains. Moreover, two thirds of the texts that will be examined before summer are law proposals and not government texts. But the head of government struggles to print his mark and leaves interrogative policies on the road he intends to follow. In his camp, we are also surprised by a lack of clear arbitrations, and communication. A major test awaits him, that of pensions. File supposed to be sensitive to François Bayrou, but the current geopolitical context with the Russian threat which condemns France to implement a war economy could allow it to take up a little air and blow a little on the subjects of domestic policy.

Read tooPensions, debt, proportional … What must be remembered from the general policy discourse of François Bayrou
