This secret Windows setting activates the turbo of your PC for optimal performance

This hidden Windows mode improves your PCs performance in the

You probably ignore it, but Windows has a secret mode which allows you to enjoy the best performance of a PC without modifying the slightest material component. Here is the method to activate it.

If you are using a computer operating under Windows 10 or Windows 11, you probably know that the system offers three power modes. These “energy profiles” ready-to-use correspond to different sets of parameters, which each targets a particular objective: maximizing autonomy, performance or a balance between the two. These profiles are not reserved for laptops, and can also be modified on a desktop computer.

But Windows also has another operating mode, which allows you to achieve even higher performance, if you know how to activate it. Before continuing, it is however necessary to clearly distinguish two categories of parameters. Although they all concern the food of the PC, that they have almost the same names and they have links between them, they are not identical. Here we find the usual confusion that reigns in Microsoft products.

On the one hand, there is the Power modewhich is in the application Parameterssection System> Stopwith three options available: better power efficiency, balance and high performance. It is between these three modes that you probably alternate to optimize the autonomy of your laptop according to your needs. This parameter is the most accessible, but it is not the one that interests us here.

On the other hand, there is the Food management modewho is in the Configuration panelsection System and security> Food options. It also offers three options: normal use, energy saving and high performance. Despite their almost identical names, these three profiles are not the same as those of the supply mode of the parameters mentioned above. When we were talking about confusion …

In this case, it is the Food management mode of Configuration panel that interests us. Indeed, in addition to the three profiles offered, there is a fourth named “optimal performance”, which allows you to go further than the high performance mode, by exploiting all the potential of the components of the PC.

This operating mode is masked by default on consumer computers, because normally reserved for professional workstation type machines, with a pro version of Windows (10 or 11). However, this power management profile is present on PCs using Windows Family and only asks to be “revealed” to be used.

To do this, start by throwing Powershell By making a right click on the menu To start up in the taskbar, then by clicking on Terminal (administrator). In the window that opens, copy pill the command PowerCFG -duplicatescheme E9A42B02-D5DF-448D-AA00-03F14749EB61 and validate by pressing the key Entrance. You should see a line appear Guid of the mode of power management: Followed by an alphanumeric code, as on the screenshot above.

Then open the menu To start up And write the word “food”, then click on the search result Choose a power management mode (not to be confused with Modify power management mode). You will then arrive on a page of Configuration panel. There, click on Display additional modes and finally select the option Optimal performance. Here, you have activated the ultimate performance mode of Windows.

Keep in mind that this mode will consume more energy and that it will therefore have a significant impact on the battery life of a laptop. In addition, this profile will also lead to a greater heating of the components of your computer, which will have to ventilate more to maintain an acceptable temperature and will therefore be noisier.

Avoid activating optimal performance mode in an open space or traveling, and reserve its use for situations where you need maximum power, such as advanced photo retouching, video editing, 3D modeling or demanding video games.
