Neither 4:00 pm nor 5 pm: this is the time when you have to stop drinking coffee to sleep in the evening

Neither 400 pm nor 5 pm this is the time

No question of depriving oneself of coffee When we appreciate it … but as much to drink it without it hurting us. The biggest defect in this drink so appreciated by the French is its effect on sleep. Everyone knows it, you shouldn’t drink it too late, otherwise you will not sleep in the evening. It is customary to say that you have to stop at 5 p.m. False replies the nutritionist Nichola Ludlam-Art.

Coffee has several health benefits thanks to the caffeine it contains. It has a vasoconstrictor effect which can relieve a migraine (provided that it does not abuse it), a diuretic effect and it improves digestive functions. Above all, it stimulates the central nervous system. “Coffee will give an energy boost. It stimulates our vigilance which reduces the printing of fatigue, and stimulates our cognitive functions which allows to be concentrated” explained Dr. Diana Kadouch, a nutritionist doctor, in a previous article. Everything to help us stay in shape as long as possible during the day …

Provided you drink your last cup early enough to avoid a white night, damaging to the body. On this point, the explanations of Nichola Ludlam-Art may displease coffee lovers. “Caffeine has a half-life of about five to six o’clock, she recalls on the English site The Indenpendent. This means that if you have a coffee at 3 p.m., half of the caffeine can still be present in your body at 9 p.m. For people sensitive to caffeine, it is therefore preferable to avoid coffee after 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. so as not to disturb sleep. “ It is better to favor an infusion or a rooibos in the middle of the afternoon if you want a hot drink. With theine and caffeine, these drinks have no sleep misdeeds.

Finally, beware of decaffeinated coffees. If they contain less caffeine than conventional coffee and can therefore represent an interesting alternative in the early afternoon, “People who are very sensitive to caffeine should be cautious and avoid drinking decaféiné before going to bed” estimates the nutritionist. As a reminder, it is recommended not to exceed 3 to 4 coffees per day, ideally without adding sugar, sweeteners (sugards …), milk or cream.
