Opping Cruiser Struck from Behind on Highway 401 in Chatham-Kent

At 20-YEAR-OLD is charged after a police cruiser was hit from behind on highway 401.


“Just Imagine Travelling Down Highway 401. . . and being struck from behind by a vehicle traveling in the same direction at Highway Speeds, ”Opp Sgt. Ed Sanchuk Said in a video posted Friday Morning.

An Eastbound Pickup Going about 120 Km/H Rear-Ended An Opping Cruiser Carrying Two Officers Near Merlin Road in Chatham-Kent About 6 Am

The Officers Had Minor Injuries, Sanchuk Said.

Th Opp’s Stay Focused Campaign Aims to Reduce Injuries and Deaths Caused by Distracted Driving.

Man charge after clash at business

A Chatham Man is charged with Assault with a Weapon after he refused to the Tilbury Business.

The man threw a flesh at a 57-yéar-oar tilbury man at a business on mill Street West around 5:45 pm Wednesday, Chatham-Kent Police Say.


A 34-YEAR-OLD is charged with assault and assault with a weapon. He was released with an April 7 short date.

Man Facing Criminal Harassment Charges

A 50-YEAR-OLD Chatham Man is loaded with criminal harassment in Incidents of intimatus partner violence.

The man was arrested tuesday surround 7:30 pm in catham, font say.

He was released with an April 14 short date.

People in Need of Immored Assistance due to intimate partner Violence Should Call 911. To report an incident, call police at 519-352-1234.

Recounded from Editorial

  1. Fire Crews from Stations No. 4 Dover, No. 15 Raleigh North and No. 19 Tilbury World to Put Out A Fire on the Banks of the Thames River Along Bread Court Line Near Bradley Line in Dover Township on Thursday. FIREFIGHTERS REMAINED ON SCENE TO PUT OUT HOSPOTS. (Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News)

    Brush Fire Spans Hundres of Meres Along Thames River

  2. Woman Bear Sprayed, Teens Charged

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