Popular Historic Chatham Jail and Courthouse Tours Returning

Popular Historic Chatham Jail and Courthouse Tours Returning

The Doors Will Swing Open Again at the Historic Chatham Jail and Courthouse with the Return of the Popular Tours Next Month Before it is converted into apartments.

The Doors Will Swing Open Again at the Historic Chatham Jail and Courthouse with the Return of the Popular Tours Next Month Before it is converted into apartments.

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Tours of the More Than 170-Year-Old Facility Began Last Summer and Strong Request Prompt Them To Be Extended to the End of October 2024.

Lonsbury, Project Manager for the Renovation that is planned at the old jail, Said as Plans Continues for the Renovation, It was decided to offer the Tours Again, Beginning April 15.

The Tours Will Be Led Again by Four Training Correctional Officers Who World at the Jail: Loris Arthurton, Phil Gavin, Dave Arnold and Bob Picard.

“We go all kinds of good feedback,” Arthurton Said of the Previous Tours.

“Everybody Said they Enjoyed It,” He Said. “They Liked the Personal Stories, Becuse we all worked here, so we could tell personal thing about the building, not just the history of it.”

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Arthurton Said the Tours Initially Started Being An Hour Long, But Now Extend to Two Hours With the All The Stories Followed by Question and Answer Sessions.

Gavin Said the Form Guards Work Well Together on the Tours.

“WE WORKED WELL TOGETHER WHEN WE WEE CORREECTAL Officers and Staff and It was really a plea to work with these guys,” He Said.

Gavin Added that camaraderie has continued with the Tours as they support each other and add to each other’s stories.

“It’s been has good time.”

The Tours, Scheduled to continue a June 28, Are Being Held Twice Daily On Tuesday and Thursday at 2 pm to 4 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm and once on saturday from 2 pm to 4 pm

Tours are limited to 10 people and tickets are available for $ 20 Plus fees at Eventbrite.com by Searching Chatham-Kent courthouse and Jail Tours.

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Withdraws Jail Guard Dave Arnold Displays Some of the Uniforms Worn During the Years. The Uniforms Will Be Exhibits During Upcoming Tours of the Historic Chatham Jail and Courthouse that begin on April 15. Photo (Ellwood Shreve/Chatham Daily News) JPG, CD, APSMC

Lonsbury Said this is the last luck to go on the tower before move forward to convert the historic building into rental apartments.

He Said a Major Renovation is Planned for the Interior of the Building With Minimal Changes To The Exterior.

While the jail is still daughter with holding cells, which can be removed, he said the existing support columns will “dictate where we build wallls and how it gets divided up one and two-belly.”

Lonsbury Said there is Still a Process to Go Through for Approvals, included working with officials looking the historical aspects of the building, Such as the Large Courtroom.

When Asked about Keeping Some Flavour of the Building, He Said, “We’re Trying to Think of Ways We can Repurpose Some of the (Jail) Cells.”

One idea is offering the cells as storage units for tenants, he said.

“It’s Going to Be a very interesting Project. . . It will be fun, ”Lonsbury Said.

Noting the Timeline for Beginning the Project is Still Being Worked Out, Lonsbury Praised Municipality of Chatham-Kent Officials for Being “Amazing to work with.

“They Helping us in Every Way,” He Added. “I think they are very excited about seeing this repurpode.”

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