It searched for Rickard Andersson before the mass murder

It searched for Rickard Andersson before the mass murder

According to Aftonbladets Information maps the police now Rickard Anderssons Internet habits in the pursuit of an explanation for the act. Two days before the attack, Sunday, February 2, 2025, he sought information about ammunition online. Exactly what he was looking for or if he planned purchases is not yet clarified.

On the same day, he also visited the news site Nya Dagbladet, a site that Expo describes as right -wing extremist and conspiracy theoretical.

According to Expo, the New Dagbladet has spread the myth of the so -called “folk exchange” and has an ethnoplistic line. However, what Andersson read on the site is unclear, but at the time there were articles about the US trade war, autism among girls and cryptocurrencies.

It has not yet been determined if Andersson visited Nya Dagbladet on several occasions or if he had contact with people within these circles.

On Sunday, February 2, Rickard Andersson also visited Youtube, where he listened to an almost twelve -hour song with calm instrumental electronic music. Previously, he had listened to reggae -inspired songs with drug romantic titles, according to information.

Later that evening he looked up the weather forecast for Örebro this coming week.
