The winger of the XV of France Damian Penaud could become the best test marker in the XV of France.
If rugby remains a collective sport, it is also a sport with individual statistics. Marking a test to allow your team to win is the essence of a rugby match. In a very academic way, an essay on rugby is the action of scoring points by placing the ball behind the opposing goal line. For the latter to be validated, it is necessary to exert pressure from top to bottom on the ball. If this is not the case and if an opponent slides an arm below or flatten, the test is refused.
What is the ranking?
Here is the ranking of the best trial markers in the XV of France with the “Pelé Blanc”, Serge Blanco, leader of this ranking for several years
- Serge Blanco – 38 tests
- Damian Penaud – 38 tests
- Vincent Clerc – 34 tests
- Philippe Saint -André – 32 tests
- Philippe Sella – 30 tests
- Philippe Bernard Salles – 26 tests
- Emile Ntamack – 26 trials
- Christophe Dominici – 25 tests
- Christian Darrouy – 23 tests
- Aurélien Rougerie – 23 tests